Chapter 23

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Rafe mulled over the information that he'd just found out, but Nora's body language shouted loud and clear that it was not something she wanted to discuss so he changed the topic. It was great to ask questions about Nora without the walls up so high and Joyce was more than happy to indulge him.

The small lunch had turned into a full-blown boozy brunch that lasted for the entire day. On his part, he didn't drink much more that day, but he and Simon went down to the local store to get more wine and cider. There was drinking, laughing and lots of eating and he found out more about Nora, her childhood and her family. Benny and Simon left to catch a movie at the cinema. Rafe volunteered to stay behind to help tidy up and even managed to watch a movie with her until he started falling asleep. It was 10.30, and the windows were pitch black.

"I should head home," Rafe said, ungluing himself from the soft armchair as the credits rolled on the screen. He didn't want to think about that long cold walk back to his dorm in the dark.

"You're welcome to stay in the guest bedroom if you like." Nora offered.

"Thank you, but I'll go."

Nora stretched and stifled a yawn. "I've packed you some food to take back to the dorm. Give me back the Tupperware tomorrow."


Her grandmother had already gone to sleep, leaving them alone to watch the movie. It was his first time at Nora's house, but he felt like he'd lived there forever. It wasn't luxurious like the houses he was used to, but it was quaint and cosy, and most of all, it was a happy home. He really didn't want to leave.

Nora opened the front door and followed him out to open the front gate.

"Thanks again for today. It's been great," Rafe said, tucking his hands into the front pockets of Benny's hoodie. Having had such a wholesome afternoon, it was almost as if this morning had been a bad dream. He wondered if he'd dream of his mother again. She was always a blur of a beautiful woman that his brain conjured up from the handful of photos he had.

Maybe it was for the best that he didn't remember most of her; it would have been too painful.

"Sorry if I made a total idiot of myself earlier today."

"I'm used to you being an idiot," she murmured with a smile, leaning against the gate.

"Yeah. I am. I got into a huge fight with my dad, and now he's blocked all my cards."

She frowned. "Why? You're getting good grades. You haven't been in a fight. Your football team is winning all the games."

"I told him I'd be flying out to Italy to mum's grave, and I didn't care what he said. He got pissed off and cut off access to all of my allowance. He told me not to set foot in London, or Milan, or anywhere else."

"I'm sorry," Nora muttered.

"It's all her, I think. Bianca. I think she was winding my dad up about me. He's never been this pissed off about me before. Or maybe my dad hates me too now. I've brought him nothing but headaches."

"Well, once you get your offer from LBS, you'll redeem yourself."

"But that means I can't afford to pay for my lessons anymore," Rafe said the words quickly and looked away when he said it. It killed him to say these words. In front of Nora. To Nora. Rafe Ferreira couldn't afford to pay for his fifty quid an hour of tutoring. This was a new, humiliating, and frustrating feeling for him.

He'd been able to afford anything and everything his heart desired his whole life. Now, suddenly he has to admit that his ass is broke in front of the girl he's beginning to suspect he likes.

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