35: Continues

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More wolves.

100 Dark wolves, looming in the distance.

The sona's haven't all arrived yet, so I call backups.

Liam drops the injured Nicholas and I lock him up in one of the magic cells we have, then follow him. We still have most of our pack and we charge the wolves, but some are injured and tired so that decreases 130 to even numbers.

Liam and I work as a team, I distract them by dodging them and confusing them as I am more agile and faster then Liam jumps on their backs and rips off their heads. One by one they slowly decrease, down to 85. But they are still extremely strong and start to gang up on Liam and I, one claws at my back and a stinging sensation is replaced by burning and I see blood drip onto the ground. Red howls in anger and charges the wolf that scratched me, sinking his teeth in his neck and ripping the skin off revealing bloody flesh, then he lets the wolf bleed out.

One of the Dark wolves see this and pounces on Red, he tries to buck him off but struggles to. So, I run and jump grabbing the wolf with my jaws and ripping him off Red. I stand over him and copy what Mel did; snapping his neck. I just killed a wolf and I am not guilty.

I feel the presence of the sona's and they rush in many have healing abilities and heal the wounded, others use their power to round up the wolves then let the warriors finish them off. In about an hour all the Dark wolves are dead, except for Nicholas who we're going to kill slowly.

I stand back proudly, satisfied with the outcome. Liam! Where's my partner.

I look around wildly, and spot him about 200 metres away from me, blood flowing out of him like a stream. I race to him and in 2 seconds I'm by his side and calling for the healers. Lawrence walks through and tells Red to shift, as Lawrence is the Alpha Red must obey. I hold Liam in my arms and kiss him gently on the head as the healers do their job. In a few minutes, signs of improvement show, the giant gash on his side is slowly closing and the blood flow has lessened.

"We'll have to take him back to the base, this is only a temporary fix as we are pretty sure it has done some internal damage." A female healer about 21 states calmly, while looking at me.

"Ok, well you'd better go then. Miss King will go with you." Lawrence jumps into action, while I sit there motionless.

The sona healers are one of the strongest healers I know of, and if they can't heal Liam, I don't know what I'd do. Actually, I do know what I'd do, in the first month I'd get my revenge on Nicholas by killing him slowly and painfully then I'd go into depression for another month and then finally I'll live my life hopefully the way Liam wanted.

"Miss King we've arrived at the base," the healer breaks my thought.

"Ok, thanks. I'll lift him to the infirmary," I reply moving towards Liam.

"Are you sure you can manage Miss?" She asks concerned.

"Of course, I can, I'm a sona who can control the air." I snap a bit defensively.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm stressed. But yes, I think I can handle it, thank you for caring," I repeat once regretting snapping at the healer.

"It's ok Miss King, I'm sorry for underestimating you. I forgot that you are...Layla King right?" She asks and I nod in response.

"Well you have been talked about a lot, like a celeb in the sona world," she gives me a shy smile.

"Thanks, what's your name?" I ask curious, while gently carrying Liam with the air.

"Elise Brookes, I've trained as a healer for 6 years. And I promise I'll try as hard as I can to heal your mate," Elise says earnestly.

"He's not my mate, well he was but then another male wolf raped me and the bond was broken." I correct.

"Oh! That's horrible, I'm so sorry Miss King. But you still have the connection that mates have," Elise comforts.

"We're here place him on the bed and we'll handle it from here. You can sit in the chair and watch if you'd like, or you could go get some food." She offers politely.

"I think I'll stay here, in case anything happens." I answer reasonably.

The operation starts except instead of using tools and stuff, they are just using their abilities so it's not as fiddly. I sit there and watch to see if anything goes wrong.

After about an hour one of the healers comes out," Miss King it's going ok, but he will need to stay overnight," he says with his hands clasped together.

"Thank you," I reply shortly.

I know he's lying so I start to read his mind, he can't feel it, so he doesn't care.

He will need to be in a brace for 3 months and even then, it will be painful for him to move properly until 8 months.

What the hell, I'm his girlfriend. I should know this stuff.

The next time the healer comes out I question him," Sir, why does he need to wear a brace for 3 months and then still be in pain for 8 months?" I demand answers.

"Um- The wolves that attacked were strong and just happened to hit a nerve in his back. But with our treatment it will heal fully in about 11 months." The man stutters slightly then continues.


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Poor Liam and Layla, nothing ever goes right



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