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First off, I live in a century home, meaning my house is at least 100 years old if not more. Being as old as it is, it's seen its fair share of deaths over the years. Needless to say a house as old as mine can have some pretty creepy vibes from time to time and every now and then I might get a chill or the sensation that someone was watching me. One night, after everyone else in my family had gone to bed (I was always the last to go to sleep) I was sitting downstairs just watching TV when I started feeling a little uneasy.

It felt like someone was in the room with me even though my entire family was upstairs sleeping. I decided to shrug it off and went upstairs to get some sleep. I laid down in my bed just trying to nod off when suddenly I got that same feeling again, only this time I was SURE I wasn't alone. Now, since my house is so old, you can hear whenever someone is walking around because of the creaky floorboards. Right after I got that weird sensation again, the floorboard right next to my bed began to creak. It didn't just stop there though. The creaking moved from the edge of my bed, across the room, and to my bedroom door.

As soon as it reached the door, someone began pounding on it from the other side. I mean REALLY pounding. Obviously by now I was shitting my pants with fear, but my curiosity got the better of me and I leapt out of bed and flung the door open. There was no one on the other side. I checked to see if everyone was still in their rooms thinking maybe someone was pulling a prank on me but they were all fast asleep. I was getting really freaked out by this point but decided there wasn't much else I could do so I went back to sleep.

Around 15 minutes later I was woken up by something shaking me awake. To my horror the entire bed was violently shaking and EVERY light in my room was on. I had actually woken up because my headboard had whacked me in the head because it was shaking so much. As soon as I was able to gather what was going on, it all suddenly stopped, and I was left sitting in my quiet room with all the lights on. Needless to say I had a lot of trouble getting back to sleep that night.

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