The End

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"We got our last transmission from Earth seven days ago. It was a garbled message from Houston. They said that they were having difficulties communicating with anyone outside their vicinity.


There are only two of us left in Helios now. Abigail and myself; Abigail is still comatose; I brought her into mission control after I woke up and found Epohtsol gone, taking the last of our emergency escape pods. Epohtsol's ravaging of her body had taken its toll, and she was still recovering.

I sit now waiting, and watching the screens, hoping that the human race has fought back, that eventually I will get a communication saying that Epohtsol was defeated, but I fear that communication will never come.

At the start of this message I questioned whether or not we are alone in this universe. My question has been answered, but now I have a new one. Are you ready to find out if we are alone? I send this warning to anyone who is listening. I implore you not to give into fear; grab onto hope with both hands and never let go.

On the radar screen in front of me, I glimpse the blip that is heading towards us. It took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida ten minutes ago. I am unsure of who, or what is in the ship. I have sent several radio signals, but have received no reply.

I can only hope that the human race has prevailed. That they have overcome fear and stopped the monster that is Epohtsol from fulfilling his destiny. I hope that whatever comes through the airlock when it docks with Helios is friendly. I hope that someone is listening. I hope...

...end transmission...




New Zealand

5th September 2011

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