Chapter Seventeen

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Hey everyone. So I know you must all hate me and I understand why but let me explain why I'm really late to update. So today my dad finally got my laptop fixed (Yay) and I can not update more frequently. I hope your really happy cause I know I am. Anyway please enjoy this chapter. it's a bit cruddish but ehhhh


Chapter Seventeen

Lauren’s POV

My eye’s shifted down to the small ring in the dark blue box. It was covered in small diamonds and looked more expensive than anything I had ever seen. I quickly looked up at his face to see him still waiting for an answer. His face was changing from hopeful to losing it pretty quick.

“I don’t know-“ I mumbled but he quickly grabbed my left hand.

“I understand that we haven’t known each other for very long and we hardly know each other but this is an opportunity of a life time. It shows that I will always be faithful to you and that… that…” He began to drift off into his own thought before I touched the box softly in my free hand.

“I’m sorry Isaac.” He looked up at me and I saw his left eye twitch. “I just- perhaps in the future. We’re still young and we have a lot of time for this. Why rush-“

“I wouldn’t expect you to understand anyway.” I watched as he slowly stood up and brushed the dirt from his pants. “You weren’t born into the role-“ My lips slowly formed a frown and I stood up as well.

“Wasn’t I born your mate Isaac?” He studied me for a moment before turning around and head back towards the house. “You know Isaac I have noticed something about you. You fight everything except me. You tend to ignore me and you give up in the fight.”

“No. You’re my mate. Unfortunately for you Lauren there is a difference. I have changed my ways and I won’t fight with you anymore.” He slowly started to walk back to the house with me in trail as I studied the muscles under his shirt bunch up and then relax in such elegance that I haven’t seen before.

“Kent.” Isaac called out and Kent stood up from where she was sitting. “Let’s train.” He said pulling off his shirt and handing it to me. I took a step back at the impact and Kent grinned.

“Sure thing Alpha.” I watched as he pulled off his shirt and handed it to Naomi who was staring at him in disgust. As they jogged off towards the yard I slowly headed over to Naomi. She was flattening Kent’s shirt and sighing.

As I took a seat next to her she spoke “Doesn’t it get annoying how they just leaving you here by yourself?” I shrugged.

“I prefer to be away from him. He’s so-“ Naomi suddenly took a sharp intake of breath and clutched her stomach. “You okay?” I asked her and she nodded.

“Yeah yeah I’m f-“ She let out a groan of pain and grabbed my shoulder. “Get me to the pack doctor. I think the babies coming.” I nodded and quickly helped her to her feet.


I continued to bite my lip as I waiting for a response from the doctor. Isaac had already gone to his office a few hours ago and left me here to wait alone but told me to get him as soon as I heard anything. As I pulled my legs up onto the chair Kent came out looking really red. He glanced around the hall before his eyes fell onto me. “I don’t want to be away from her for long. Tell alpha that it was a boy named Delos.” A smile grew onto my face and I nodded. When he disappeared back into the room I began my way to Isaac’s office.

Knocking quietly I slowly opened the large wooden doors. Isaac was hunched over desk engrossed in his paper work. I was starting to feel really bad for him and how much work he had to put in. “Um Isaac” I said quietly picking at the ends of my sleeves. He grunted but didn’t look up at me “It was a boy.” I told him. He stopped for a moment before looking up at me.

“A boy?” I nodded my head and he nodded his in acceptance. “What’s his name?”

“Delos. Th-they named him Delos.” Isaac smiled.

“After Kent’s dad.” He shook his head and put his head back down. I slowly lowered my head and began to leave. “Did I say you could leave?” He told me and I looked over my shoulder.

“But I-“

“Come here.” I glanced around the room before making my way towards him. He produced the same box from earlier and I sighed. As I opened my mouth to speak he interrupted me “Before you even say can you just take it? It’s burning a hole in back of our wardrobe just sitting there. So please just take it.”


“Please Lauren. Just take it. I can’t stand looking at it anymore.” I nodded before taking it off the table. “I also must ask you not to tell anyone. As it was a private matter it will stay a private matter.” I lowered my head and mumbled a yes. “You can go now.”

As I turned to leave again Isaac shouted to me “Oh and Lauren perhaps will be there for our first child. I don’t think it would be an event I want to miss.” A smile tugged at the ends of my mouth and I nodded before finally leaving the room. Perhaps he is changing.

Isaac’s POV

Running my hands over the top of my head I sighed lightly. Oh Lauren, what did I do to deserve such a big rejection… Oh wait. I almost laughed at myself for being so stupid. Of cause she would hate me. I basically took away her home and family just so I could have her to myself.

There was a sharp knock on the door and one of my patrol men stepped in “Alpha. We’ve come across a trace of something and an urgent call from Dominic. The rogues have been attacking their scouts and are gaining great numbers.” I leaned back in my chair and looked at him. He shifted from one foot to the other uneasily “What would you like us to do?” I ran my hand over my cheek and groaned.

“Send our men over to help them but be careful about it.” He nodded and bowed his head before he left. Staring at the door for a few seconds I was considering the safety of my own pack and when I heard a loud scream from somewhere I jumped to my feet. Taking long strides I headed out the back of the house to find one from one of the scout groups badly injured and had collapsed on the floor. Pushing my way through the crowd that had formed around him I crouched down next to his mate. “Jackson.” His face lifted up towards me. “Who did this to you?” A faint reply happened through our pack link.


I turned towards the nearest person and grabbed their arm. It was a young boy in his early teens “Get the pack doctor and be quick about it boy.” He nodded and raced off to find the pack doctor. I stood up and glanced around.

“Everyone in the pack house. I’m taking this to Zone 1. No one leaves or comes out.” I looked back down at the wounded wolf whimpering to his mate I crouched down again. “It’s alright Jackson. The doctor is coming. Everything is fine.” Someone knelt beside me and I glanced over to the doctor “I’ll take you mate to a safe place. It’s okay you can trust me with her.” He nodded weakly and closed his eyes as he shifted back into his human form painfully. I stood up and looked towards his weeping mate “Paula.” She looked up at me “Come with me. I’ll take you to the west wing where they’ll be taking him.” She nodded and stood up.

“I’ll only be inside Jackson.” She kissed his lips before walking towards the house. As I walked through the crowd of people I saw Lauren walking down the stairs. She made eye contact with me and as if she knew what I was saying she turned and raced back up the stairs.

I know what your thinking. Bad ending and bad chappie

I haven't written in ages and I've got a headache =(

anyway I am really pleased at how popular this book is getting YAY i love all of my fans.

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