20. Contact by Paris Wills

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There's a boy who lives down the road

With eyes of emerald and curls of gold

His teeth sparkle like the dawn

To his lips I'm drawn

They taste like strawberries

And bleed like cherries

I want to sink my teeth

And reach my hand underneath

I give him control

Lets him touch my soul

His hands on my skin

His figure tight and thin

I tug at his cotton

My thoughts deliciously rotten

Lift it over his head

Motion to his bed

I mold him like clay

And take his breath away

Lick at his chest

My body possessed

He tastes like candy

Intoxicates me like brandy

I caress his thighs

Watching him arise

Squeezing at his skin

Catching him sneak a grin

And reaching for his chin

Drinking him like gin

Sinking onto him

Touching limb after limb

Making me moan

Breathing in his cologne

The seductive scent of pine

Sending shockwaves down my spine

Sending shockwaves down my spine

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