Chapter 3

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Alison's POV

I was too afraid to look up at him, so I stared down at the intricate design on the polished marble floor as if it were the most fascinating thing in the world.

"Hurry up! Miss Parker. I don't have all day," he barked at the receptionist in a cold, commanding tone that echoed through the room. His words dripped with authority and power, leaving no doubt as to who was in charge. He was as cold as ice, his piercing eyes scanning the room with a steely gaze. I shuddered involuntarily, feeling his icy stare on me as he strode past me towards his office. The gold nameplate on his door gleamed in the light, a testament to his success and power.

As the door to his office slammed shut, I let out the breath I was holding in relief. My mind was racing with questions. 'What the heck just happened? Is Mr Grinch, the man I just insulted or at least tried to insult, actually Mr Christopher Knight? The owner? The CEO?' I shook my head in disbelief. 'No, no, no, this can't be happening. He hates me now. There is no way he would even give me a chance to speak.' I felt a wave of panic wash over me. 'How could you not know this Ally? He matched Sami's description perfectly.'

"Miss Camilla Anderson, you're up first." Miss Parker said, struggling with papers in her hand. At her command, the woman sitting next to me proudly rose from her seat, smoothing out her very short dress as she walked towards the CEO's office, aka Mr Grinch–I should probably stop calling him that now that I know his name.

Within minutes, the woman emerged from the office with an angry expression on her face. I could see tears glistening in her eyes as she stormed off towards the elevator without saying a word to anyone. One by one, people were called into the office, and their reactions were similar to the first woman's. I couldn't help but wonder if Mr Knight was insulting and rejecting them all. After all, he was in a bad mood, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it was all because of me.

'Come on, Ally. It's your chance now. Make a run for it while you still can. That Grouchy, Grumpy, handsome – no – Grinch isn't going to offer you a job. He hates you and is probably plotting ways to destroy you, just like he said. So run away!' My subconscious mind was screaming at me. After our earlier encounter, I don't think he even wants to look at my face, so I should probably leave.

With only three people left, I quickly rose from my seat and headed towards the elevator. Suddenly, the phone on the receptionist's desk rang out, making me jump. I had a sinking feeling that this was not good news and I felt a knot form in my stomach.

"Alison Smith, you're up next." Miss Parker said, and I froze in my tracks. 'Shoot, why did it have to be me?' I thought to myself. 'Be strong, Ally. You can do this. You just have to answer a few questions and come out.' My mind repeated the words like a mantra. It's not like he will offer me a job, so let's just get this over with.

"Hurry up, Miss Smith. Mr. Knight is waiting for you." Miss Parker said in annoyance.

I nodded, my legs shaking as I made my way towards Mr. Knight's office. I knocked twice on the door before peeking inside.

"C-ca-can I come in, sir?" I stammered my heart racing.

"Ah, yes. My favourite candidate, who already made a strong impression." He said sarcastically. "Not a good one, of course." He added arrogantly.

I didn't reply to that. What could I say? His piercing stare seemed to bore into my soul, freezing everything in their path. I approached his desk and stood there, fidgeting with my nails like a child in the principal's office.

"Well, well, well. What's the matter? Has the cat got your tongue? I was expecting a fierce feline ready to pounce on me, but it seems I was mistaken." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

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