Chapter 1 : Dragon City

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In the city of Warfang a stalemate lingers above the Anthro citizens heads, "The Dark Master" and his corrupted undead army continue to terrorize the citizens with sole intent to rule over their realm. Moles, Dragons, Cheetahs and other Hybrids have been living in harmony for a Millennia, although tension lingered between villages, Warfang was a multicultural city filled with all walks of life. Some would pass time learning archery skills. Others would visit the battle arena where they would see Grublins and Wendigo's fight to the death. Demons were captured in battle so they felt no shame in watching them for sport.

Many tried to forget the chaos that could consume them at any moment, Malefor could attack at any second and the people knew it. Dragons had recently returned home after a mission warding off Wendigos from the Eastern villages spending time with their families. A father dragon was seen with his partner and two young hatchlings, the worry in the mother's eyes her husband would return to fight against Malefor's army. A fear subsided by the entertainment of watching battles in the arena. She wanted to enjoy as much time in the park possible before her husband returned.

The dragon city utopia held 4 kings, The Canine king Gavin, The dragon king Ignitus, The Cheetah king Kartus and the Hybrid king Kronos. New temples had been constructed ever since the war with Malfore was halted and the city was showing growth and progress with new battle training centers, nurseries and restaurants for the population. New rivers to wash garments and parks for Anthro families to reconnect, It truly seemed like a paradise with the war at a halt. The elders of the village appointed their most renowned dragons to provide the young with training, they were ready to have their weekly meeting, that is until a bright light flashed not to far from the city.

Western Huts, Dragon's Street - -

Spyro woke up in his hut with Cynder by his side, light shining on them through the reflective windows waking them up for a new morning. Spyro lifted his head slowly and turned to Cynder sound asleep; the morning light cascaded on her body reflecting off her pink scales like light shining on a glistening gemstone, she was so beautiful and he knew he had a perfect companion. Spyro dedicated his time to teaching younger dragons down by the community's park; gathering as many possible to teach them the arts of Fire and Drivshka. He was much more mature now and almost as big as Volteer, A young adult dragon with toned scales, muscles and a medium stature. Although Cynder was more lean and curved she was just as strong of a fighter and quicker at that, she helped him teach the young as well.

Sparx came crashing through the room to close the drapes,

"It's too early! Can't we sleep in today?" Cynder woke up to his loud cranky voice and went to make breakfast for the three. "We can't just skip our first group of trainees because we're being lazy sparks". She said while preparing charred meat, she ripped the sheep flesh with her claws then moved over to the fireplace and prepped the flame from her torso; after she cooked for a few minutes the smell of crispy meat flowed through the house making its way to the bedroom reaching Spyro's nostrils. Now fully awake he was ready to start the day. "Thanks for making breakfast again Cyn, I don't know if I'd have enough energy to teach without you by my side." Spyro slowly caressed Cynder's neck with his head, the two were in love, life was great, until a large sonic explosion and flashing light came from deep in the forest.

Spyro and Cynder ran to the City center half full with little breakfast in their stomachs, it appears half the town was present demanding answers. They squeezed their way through the crowd of dragons and cheetahs into the royal palace where the elders and Kings were present. "Spyro!" The Canine king called out to him with the dragon king by his side ready to give him his first mission,

"Thank the ancestors you're here. A large blast came from deep inside the Hollow Forest, we fear it may be Malefor causing a surprise attack. Our scouts found a large empty space of destroyed woodland! He may be violating the treaty and our food supply, we need you and Cynder to keep a lookout and see who is responsible. We believe you are perfect for this job as our most observant messengers we all have our faith in your abilities." Spyro agreed without hesitation "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us today," he said confidently to the kings and Cynder.

They looked at each other and knew this might be the start of a new war, he slowly bowed to the kings with as much nobility he could fathom and calmly made his way to elder Volteer. The yellow beast gladly lended his ear to the mighty purple dragon and Spyro whispered,

"Dude... Have you seen Hunter? I'm kind of freaking out because he's a great shot and I feel much better with his bow and arrow watching my back". Elder Terrador let out a large sigh. Cynder wanted to punch Spyro in the gut but knew that would reflect badly on their Public Image, "Hey we got this, I'm sure your best friend will be here soon to help, you know he needs his space after..." Spyro shook his head and gained an extra confidence with Cynder by his side "Right! Let's go". They made their way into the woods and prepared for anything in sight.

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