Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

                “Don’t test me,” he snarled, sitting on the edge of the bed. Instincts told me to pull away, curl up into a little ball and pray for him to leave. Experience made me stay there and look down to avoid making him angry. Finn was best described as an elastic band, stretch him too far and he’d snap. Unpredictable would be another way to describe him.


                “Lay back,” he instructed. One second of hesitation later, his hand was clamped on my thigh, his eyes set in warning.


                I did as I was told, taking a silent breath. Sometimes, all he wanted to do was look and I’d get off recently, but lately, he’d been more aggressive. Finn’s once happy eyes skimmed over my every curve in my t-shirt, a sly grin stretching across his face when he looked over my legs.


                Bile rose up in my throat but I pushed it down, looking at the ceiling and trying to pretend that I was somewhere else. It was the same thing every time our parents were out, which was quite frequently. Dad worked the nightshift three days a week and Mum spent a lot time doing the events up in Somerset.


                A hand trailed along my shin, before clamping down on my knee. I jolted in surprise, meeting his cold face.


                “You are going to wait here quietly and take your clothes off. When Steven and Ryan get here, you’re going to behave,” he instructed. My blood ran ice cold, the shocked heartbeat racing.


                “But,” I started and Finn’s eyes softened, his hand rising to brush wild strands from my face. Pushing away the urge to shudder, I closed my eyes, working against the panic.


                “You’ll be alright. I just owe them, okay? You’re still mine, I still love you,” he assured, pushing himself to his feet and walking to the door. He spared me one look, accompanied with a nod before disappearing into the passage.


                Swallowing another round of bile, I choked on a sob. He’d invited others around before and it had been terrifying, as well as painful.


                I considered picking up the phone and calling my mum, or even the police, but getting past Finn wouldn’t be easy. Not to mention what he’d do to me. Death threats had happened before and he rarely left a threat empty.


                A few minutes later, the door burst open. Finn was holding it wide as the other two sauntered through, their eyes skimming over my clothed body. My brother’s eyes narrowed as he stalked towards me, his hand clamping onto my arm, pulling my shirt up.


                “Kat.” I shot up, breathing deeply. The hay around me rustled and the wind ran through the wood of the stable. Harley wasn’t anywhere in sight, but Eli was in front of me, shooting me a concerned look. I sighed, sinking back against the walls.

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