Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

"What are you doing here?" I ask Bryce just as I see my brother filing through the doorway after him, his attention occupied by something on his phone.

He briefly looks up, giving me a quick smile and a "Hey, Lex," before resuming typing away on the device.

Perks of living in a small city I guess; running into your brother and his best friend of nine years at the new local cafe.

Bryce promptly rolls his eyes. "Your brother is whiny and made us come all the way here for coffee. Apparently Tim Hortons isn't cool enough for him or some shit."

He responds coolly as if he didn't just butt into Mateo and I's conversation.

Actually, on that note, I'm reminded of the mini staring contest Bryce and Mateo are still participating in.

And then I recall the way Bryce somehow knew the exact city, located in a different country, that Mateo's dad inhabits.

"How come you knew but I didn't?" I ask Bryce, half jokingly but still expecting a legitimate answer.

Mateo looks like he wants to say something but is slightly scared to do so, and the warning look Bryce is shooting him doesn't seem to boost Mateo's confidence any more.

Mateo and Bryce seem to be communicating with glares and stares more so than any actual words, and it's odd for them to seem as though they despise each other as much as they do seeing as they just met one another.

"Well I was living in Orlando and Caleb DiLaurentis is a fairly known name," Bryce says, almost growing impatient.

Mateo doesn't add anything, simply nodding and looking at Charlie.

"Didn't you have a soccer game?" he asks and Charlie nods.

"Yeah, but I ended up dragging Bryce along so I decided we could do something afterwards too."

Bryce crinkles his nose, crossing his arms over his chest. I can't help but notice how muscular his arms really are, and I mentally slap my face for watching as the muscles flex slightly.

I would be wondering why he's outside in just a long-sleeved T-shirt in the cold autumn weather, but it's Bryce for Christ's sake.

Judging him is useless.

"Saying that makes it sound like we're planning on fucking after this," Bryce comments and I can't help but to gently shove him for speaking like that in public, loud enough for everybody to hear.

His only response is "Sorry, Mother Theresa," and I huff at the comparison.

"Next!" the young girl working at one of the cash registers calls out, and I quickly realize that Mateo and I are next in line. He gestures for me to step forward to order, and I promptly do so. I decide to just order a large chai latte and a plain bagel, and it's just as I'm reaching into my purse to grab my wallet that I'm gently tapped on the shoulder.

"Hey, let me pay," Mateo offers kindly. Despite the convincing look he's giving me with those warm brown eyes, I politely decline his offer.

"Don't worry about it. I'll pay," I reassure, and his expression shifts vaguely.

"Are you sure?" he continues and I nod.

"Yeah, but thank you for the offer," I smile.

The guy working the other registers calls for the next customer, and Mateo briskly walks over.

I reach into my wallet, handing the girl a twenty dollar bill, and she pulls open the register to return the appropriate change.

"Must be nice having three guys follow you around," she practically mocks, and I'm taken back a little.

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