Mystery Gang

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  • Dedicated to rey mysterio

ok so hey there my name is hayley like i said before but i am 14 years old (sin cara being sixteen seriously don't ask i hope he doesn't mind this like at all huge fan of yours by the way love the abs and the way you enter the ring is, i may be young but, sexy, and in my defense, you are very hot) my brother, me, velma, new friends daphne, and fred are called the mystery gang. really these are our parts.

velma- does the research and unmask the enemy

daphne- figures out the reason

fred- creates the trap and loves daphne

shaggy and scooby(whom i forgot to mention)- play bait

then theres me- i fight the monsters using my WWE experience of course

well we had one BIG problem today. (ps sin cara is in training for WWE so he is seeing the problem.) some people from international news video tapped us. heres how it went.

four hours earlier

"shaggy, scooby, hayley you ready?" fred asked through the walkie. "ready as ever fred." i said and smacked the two shaky wimps i call family. out of the corner of my eye i saw this camera.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SIN CARA'S POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"hey guys come check this out. including you sin cara." brodus clay a trainer called out. it was the news. "i am here at the scene of some kids solving the mystery of the growling ghoul. watch as the girl saves the two others." the woman on the screen said and the camera flashed over to a fourteen year old girl in john's wrestling pose. i nudged him. "come on you stupid beast that the best you got. i got scars worse than this old tiny scratch!" the girl yelled and the thing went after her. she got it down and did john five knuckle punch. we flinched as the thing screamed in pain. then it grew mad and chased her. wow she is good. "well are you people watching this girl just did the legendary john cena's five knuckle punch and now the creature is chasing her. lts follow" the lady said ad they did. that 14 yr old is cute,

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~normal pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i noticied the camera crew following us but i didn't care. Velma unmasked the creature and it turned out to be the mayor of the town we were in. i turned to the camera. "hey there WWE i know you are watching this. yes i did just do john cenas 5 knuckle punch but hey gotta do whatcha gotta do. plus i knew the mayor was suspisious so don't think i didn't know i aint just muscle. and now i am probably blushing cause your newest and awesomest member sin cara is probably watching. one day. one day i will join WWE." i said and made an emphasis. "oh shut it daphne. did you know they have abs and they look really young and sexy and hot. god i am 14 and saying this crap. gotta go." i siad and did a rey mysterio flip outta there. then after wards i fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rey Mysterio's pov ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'

we stood there frozen. my own niece is with her brother doing mystery solving. and she wants to be in WWE. we then all turned away from that and went to sleep.

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