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Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Okay, I have our top three names in the bowl," Grayson said walking into the living room holding the small red bowl in the air and shaking it so the sound of the folded up pieces of paper could be heard.

"Wait! Before we pick, let me get the camera!" Ava yells jumping up from the couch and fast walking over to the closet where she hid her father's camera recorder from when she borrowed it to watch home movies and forgot to return it. 

"Why do we need a camera recorder?" Grayson asked looking at the pregnant girl as she set the camera recorder on the stand in front of the tv and coffee table.

"Because I want our daughter to watch this when she's older and watch us pick out her name. We're making cherishable memories Grayson Knight and you're going to enjoy it." She teases setting it up and walking back to the couch and taking her seat. "Okay, now I'm ready."

Grayson rolls his eyes a smile lingering on his face as he takes a seat next to Ava and puts the bowl on the coffee table trying to not look at the camera because that's what you're supposed to do when you're in a movie right? Not look at the camera? Of course, this wasn't a movie, but he didn't want his daughter to be watching this in the future and think that her father was a loser who couldn't stop looking at the camera.

"Should we say something?" Grayson whispered earning a laugh from Ava as she shrugs her shoulders with a smile.

"Only if you want,"

Grayson nods his head looking at the camera and waves his large hand. "Hey Angel, your crazy yet extremely beautiful mother here wanted to record the moment we picked out your name, something that I won't ever understand, but if it's what your mother wants then I'll do it, now before you watch this I just want you to know that no matter what name is drawn out of this plastic bowl that I want you to know that you may hate your name but this name means so much for your mother and I because it was the first thing that brought us together and that means you. You, my little Princess, mean so much to us and I hope to God you don't hate us for the rest of your and our life's because you don't like your name."

Ava smiled over at Grayson, her hand clenching onto his hand squeezing it as she looks up at him with adoration.  Grayson takes a deep breath and looks down at Ava, a smile still on his face and kisses her nose gently before picking the bowl back up and shaking it. 

"Should we pick one together?" Ava asked biting her lip as Grayson looks at her dumbfounded.

"How the hell will we do that?" Three papers and two hands, one of them were bound to pick a different one.

"Just trust me okay," Ava said rolling her eyes as Grayson sighs but nods his head. 

Taking a deep breath Ava and Grayson both reach into the bowl, their hands swirling the papers around before both of their hands clasp together with one paper in the middle. Smiling, Grayson removes the bowl from underneath so that they didn't drop the paper along with the other ones and opened their hands. He holds the paper out for Ava, who gladly takes it and holds it up between her index and middle finger.

"As your psycho ass father was saying, we came to an agreement on three names that we liked best. Elena, Everlyn, and Aria and no matter what name is written on this piece of paper we love you no matter what Princess." Ava said looking away from the camera and over to Grayson who was standing up from the couch and kissing Ava on the head. 

Grayson walked over to the camera so that when Ava opened the paper he would zoom up on the paper that read the name so that whoever would watch this in the future could know that they were in fact not bluffing during this video. 

"And your name is," Ava says opening the note, a smile breaking on her face as she holds the paper up to the camera, Grayson zooming in. "Aria Brookelyn Knight."


Corey sat in front of the computer, a growl escaping her as she glared at the picture of Grayson and Ava kissing while pink dusk fell from the sky, no doubt the gender of their baby that they were to have in a little over five months.

"God she isn't even pretty if you really look at her," Corey said turning away from her laptop and over at her roommate who rolled her eyes and tied the shoelaces of her running shoes. 

"Why do you keep stalker the poor girl? Just let it go, Corey, you weren't even dating him in the first place remember? You guys broke up before they had sex and you weren't together when you found out. Just drop it and move on." Cassidy said shaking her head and standing up from the edge of her bed. 

"That's the thing I can't drop it because the bitch did it on purpose Cassidy! Come over here and tell me that you actually think that she's pretty." Corey said pushing herself away from the laptop and pointed at the screen where Ava was taking maternity pictures with Grayson.

"I actually think Ava is really pretty and she's super nice too Corey and I highly doubt she did it on purpose. Just drop it and move on Corey you'd be a lot more happier in life."

"Whatever Cassidy, you're just blinded and once you see Ava's true colors you'll understand that I've been right all along," Corey said turning around to keep scrolling through her Facebook a glare shooting towards Ava's pictures everytime she posted about her pregnancy or just her in general.

"Like who the hell names their daughter Aria? Is this Pretty Little Liars? Is she sending a hint that she and her daughter are sluts? That her daughter is going to fuck a teacher?"

"I think that name is pretty and whatever Ava does with her life is none of your concern besides, Ava's true colors are way prettier than yours," Cassidy replied walking to her closet and grabbing a thin Nike jacket.

Corey rolls her eyes and opens a new tab on chrome, her eyes scanning over the website that she's been looking at for the longest time, for now, a sly smirk forming when the one she's been looking at for some time dropped down into a discount. 

"Why do you keep going onto that website Corey? Do you even have a license?" Cassidy asked catching a glimpse of what she was searching for shaking her head.

"It's hunting season Cassidy," Was all she said as her roommate rolls her eyes and shuts the door behind her.


Word Count: 1, 220

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