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We ran to the roof of the building as fast as we can.

The lights of the city, specks of orange light, red light, green light, yellow light, dimly illuminate the place. A reminder that we are up here, and the rest of the world down there. When we open the door to the open space of roof, we find a strong current of wind, a cold wind with a salty and sulphurous smell coming from the nearby sea, and we can barely open our eyes.

While we wait, near the parapet wall, Luciana offers me her arm, wrapping me in a protective hug. The wind that surrounds us dissipates her clean scent completely, which gives our uncomfortable embrace a strange sense of impersonality, as if we were not really there.

"We'll ask them what they want," I murmur, my gaze fixed on the steel door. "If it doesn't comply with our terms, don't hesitate to fight against them, Luciana."

"Understood. But, Master, are you alright?"

"Don't worry about it. Whatever happens, I'll manage."

And, as I say this, I take one hand to my skirt and lift it up, revealing a leather belt kit wrapped around my right thigh. I'm completely armed. In this kit I keep small bottles with a variety of liquids and tiny pockets that contain the jewelry beads that I use for my spells.

But, this time, Luciana doesn't look away from the presence of bare skin, and looks at the kit with fascination.

"I don't know what will happen in the next few minutes," I say, in an attempt to reassure not only her, but myself. Since the night of the attack on the castle, I have felt a particular anxiety when it comes to fighting against these disgusting creatures. "But we must give everything we have in this war." It's not something I would say, but can I really say something pessimistic in the presence of this noble and solemn knightly figure? "That includes our expertise. Even though I know you can shoot down anyone you wish, we're two on this side of the war. I may not have the skills you have..."

"Not at all," she interrupts me with a smile. "You're amazing."

But, this moment is interrupted when, at the other end of the roof, a shadow appears that doesn't reveal itself immediately. We both squint our eyes to sharpen our gaze, to confirm that it's not an error on our part, but it's impossible to recognize the silhouette a few meters from us, bordered by strange shapes that make me suspect that it's not any ordinary human being.

Luciana separates her arm from me and immediately takes a step forward.

"Get out of there!" she commands.

Luciana has taken her warrior position, and quickly brings a hand behind her back, under her blazer, where her swords are. In response, the shadow laughs surreptitiously. This voice doesn't seem to come from the shadow. I'm agitated, thinking that it may be an ambush, since the voice seems to speak anywhere, but nowhere at the same time.

For a moment, what I think is just the wind howling at the change of direction, turns out to be a breathing sound accompanied by a spasm.

It comes from this person. When I recognize his agitation, I can see that he takes one leg forward with a little difficulty, as if he wanted to get closer to us, but his body was too heavy to move in an agile way.

I can see that it lifts something, a tall and elongated shape, and just as I see the protruding edge, the demon runs towards us.

It runs to Luciana, who is already waiting for it. No. He strays and runs towards me.

I bring my palm to the ground to activate the magic circle. The shape of the circle full of symbols dazzles him with a bluish light for a fraction of a second when I raise it in front of me like a shield, and Luciana stands between the circle and me.

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