< S I X T E E N >

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© Amber Kalkes 2014


< S I X T E E N >

Sam leaves the Alpha’s office in a daze. 

Three days.

That’s how long he had until Blue Bay pack would come charging in for Arden and take her away from him. Three days for him to tell the Alpha if he can take the leap and let Arden bite him. Three days until he could be giving up his old life for something up until a week ago seemed like the realm of fantasy.

Hank had explained it all. The bite, the turn, the part Arden would have to play. All of it is swirling in Sam’s mind as he makes his way back to their bedroom. The question being, can he do it? Can he give up his humanity?

Hank had seemed pretty sure it would take. Arden is his mate and as such she will be the only one who can do it so make it will be a successful transition. Their DNA is perfectly matched as well as their souls, a way to make the strongest pups, Hank had explained. No other person can get her pregnant and no else can give him a wolf.

The Alpha is convinced that with a strong mate by her side, one who if his theory is correct, can fight on equal ground with her. Sam isn’t so sure. Arden is special, even his more rationally based mind could agree on that but the idea that she can make Sam just as special seems…impossible. He knows in the back of his mind that’s just his old insecurities resurfacing.

Sighing heavily he opens the bedroom door and finds Arden still asleep on the bed. She’s curled into a ball under the covers like she’s protecting herself. The sight of it makes Sam want to tear the room apart. He hates knowing how deep the emotional scars on her and how he wasn’t there to save her.

After pulling off his shirt he pulls back the covers and he settles down next to her before pulling her towards him, reveling the tingles that spark between their bodies. She whines low in her throat before turning around so she’s facing him. He takes her sleeping face, memorizing it inch by inch. He takes in her long lashes as they brush her cheek, her lips slightly pouted and pink, a frown on her matching light brown eyebrows and her now tanned skin glowing in the limited light.

Her arm flings over her chest as she nuzzles her face into his chest before inhaling his scent in deeply. Sam feels adoration fill his chest as her whole body relaxes against him and the frown fades from her face. All the stress, the worry and the questions fade into the background of the moment.

Sam doesn’t know much, he realizes as he lays his head on top of hers, but he knows that he’ll do anything to protect her. Closing his eyes he focuses on the feel of her in his arms and falls asleep knowing he’s made the right decision.


Arden wakes up pleasantly enough. Sam has her pulled into his side with his bare chest rising and falling under her hand. His heartbeat is steady as is his breathing so she assumes he’s still asleep. Closing her eyes again she nuzzles into him deeper despite knowing with the sun shining in like it is, it’s best they get up.

She doesn’t realize he’s fully awake until he speaks.

“Arden tell me about werewolf mates.”

Arden snaps open her eyes and frowns up at him, “What do you mean? I told you.”

“No I mean if both mates of wolves.”

“Why would you want to know about that?” She asks her mind still hazy with sleep.

He sighs rubbing a hand over his face, “Humor me.”

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