Chapter 16

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I was suddenly mortified.This couldn't be right. I mean VDH could be anybody's initials right? I mean the engagement ring and wedding band could be anybody's. Well at least I was praying they were anybody's, just not this sharp dressed man's.

Prayer had started, so we couldn't go in yet. I stood up, and pulled my dress down since it had risen when I was sitting down. I held Camden in one arm.

"He's a big boy. His father must be very proud." the man said to me.

I looked at him and smiled nervously.

"Umm I think he would be if he actually knew him." I said frankly.

"Oh wow, I'm sorry." He said.

"It's all good," I said.

"Raising babies by yourself ain't easy. My mom was a single mother, so I know the struggle." he said sincerely.

"Yeah but it's not that bad. It's all worth it really, at least the children know somebody loves them," I said.

"That's a great way to look at it. I'm Vincent, Vincent Harrington." he said extending his hand.

"I'm Kaliya, Kaliya Jefferson." I said shaking his hand. Why did I feel like this wouldn't be my last time meeting this man?

Prayer ended and I went back in, Vincent allowed me to go first. He was such a gentleman. I found my seat right back beside Christina.

I looked around, and I saw him again. Vincent, and by how many people hugged, and kissed him and said hello even during service, made me believe that he was quite popular around these parts.

"What are you looking at?" Christina whispered to me.

"Nothing." I said looking straight ahead. I couldn't forget VDH, three letters I'd never forget.

Service went on, and soon it was time for the christening of the child, and Christina's performance.

The child was christened, and now it was time for a solo performance. The mother of the child whom I presumed to be Christina's friend, stood before the church.

Christina stood a few feet back from her, and was holding her saxophone.

The piano started, and on the perfect beat Christina chimed in with her sax. The lady began to sing "Imagine Me" by Kirk Franklin. It was a great solo, and I enjoyed it. But I still couldn't get this Vincent dude off of my mind.

Anyway eventually church was over. I had a million different people come up to me, and say hi, and hug me, and kiss me. They all said they missed me, and they really did miss my mother dearly. I got a bunch of late condolences too.

I looked around for Christina, and she was nowhere in sight. The church was so crowded I couldn't really see.

"Aunty Kay! Look what I made." Karlie said running up to me. She held up a picture she drew. It was supposed to be a family portrait I guess. She drew colorful stick people, and a dog. And at the top she wrote the word "family" in different colored letters. It was really cute.

"That's beautiful Karlie. I love it. Where's your brother?" I asked looking around.

"Talking to Mr. Johnson, over there." Karlie said pointing to an older baldhead man in a dark green suit. The old man was leaned on one knee talking to Charles who looked to be listening attentively.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Mr. Johnson was one of grandma's friends, he took Charles fishing once." Karlie informed me. Somebody touched me on my shoulder, and I turned around.

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