||Chapter 2||

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(y/n)'s Pov

After days of all that boring travelling your company finally arrived at the gates of Greenwood.

The Elvenking was there to greet you, a small smile adorning his fearures as Aumrauth set you down from your horse, "Ah, (y/n) anann le/gen ú-gennin(I haven't seen you for a long time)"

You turned to the voice with a grin, "Likewise my king, I was only a mere baby at the time." he gave a soft chuckle and hugged your small form.

"Glass nín le/gen achened(It is my joy to see you again) You have grown up so much. Your parents would have been proud of who you are now." He whispered in your ear, you teared up at this.

"Thank you my king, that means much from you." Thranduil smiled and patted your head, leaning back he called upon some of his soldiers.

"Lead the guests to their room." You heard him say, the sound of armor reached your ears and a hand was placed on your shoulder, "I apologize, but I must attend to my other duties."

You smiled softly, "It is alright my king, thank you for your hospitality." Another hand placed on your shoulder,

"I will make sure the princess is safe Thranduil." Said Laerune, taking hold of your hand.

"Thank you Laerune, now then, I'm taking my leave." You heard the rustle of clothes as Thranduil turned and walked away.

Laerune sighed, "All right, let's get you to your room. Aumrauth, go with the other soldiers." Laerune pulled on your hand and you had no choice but to follow her.

After what seemed like 10 minutes you stopped, "This is the princess' room." you heard a voice speak out, startling you.

You had not realized there was someone else with you.

A door opened and Laerune gently pushed you in, "(y/n) if you ever need anything I am just in the room beside you alright? You'll find your pack at the foot of the bed."

You nodded as she sat you down on the bed, the door closed and you were met with a complete silence.

You held your arms infront of you and stood up, trying to get used to the room.

Once you felt comfortable in knowing where everything was you took out your book from the bag and sat down comfortably on the bed.

You had decided to pass the time by reading, and you were halfway through when a knock was sounded, echoing around the quiet room.

"Yes? Who is it?" you called out, turning to where the knocking came from.

The door opened and footsteps, "Hello story to disturb but I'm looking for princess (y/n)?" It was a male, you smiled softly, "Ah, that would be me. And who are you?"

You heard footsteps approach your bed and the rustling of clothes, indicating that he bowed. "Legolas Thranduilion." 

You blinked in surprise, the Elvenprince? What ever could he want with you? Nonetheless you smiled and signalled to the space on your bed, "Please, do sit down."

You felt the weight shift as he sat on the bed and you leaned back comfortably. "What can I do for you prince Legolas?" You asked politely.

He coughed and spoke softly, "My father said you might uh like some company. So would you like to go see the garden with me?"

You giggled at this, leaving Legolas in a state of confusion, "I cannot do that mellon nin. Have you not noticed?"

Legolas stared at you for a good solid minute to the book you had in your hand then to your dulled silver eyes, it clicked into his mind.

"You cannot see?" He said unsure, you nodded and smiled, "I'm afraid I cannot."

He looked at you in wonder and curiosity, wondering how it must have been to live in your shoes. "How do you...get around places?" he asked, wanting to know you more.

"Well, I use my walking stick, or I have my handmaiden with me." you answered, Legolas looked around the room and spotted your walking stick by the foot of the bed, he stood up and grabbed it.

"Well then, why don't we go have a walk around the garden? Get to know each other better?" He asked with a grin, you nodded at this and smiled brightly.

"I'd like that.." You put away your book and felt his hand grab yours, he placed the walking stick on your other hand and together you walked out of your room hand in hand.

And as you both walked around the garden, two figures stood on top of a balcony watching you both, "She has grown so much." The king implied, Laerune grinned proudly, "Well she was mostly raised by me."

Thranduil laughed at this, then turned to you and Legolas with a sad smile, "I have never seen my son this happy before, not since my wife's passing."

Laerune placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Neither have I with
(y/n), Ever since her parent's death she's never really left the castle. It was a surprise when she agreed to come in the first place."

They turned back to the two elves, "Now, I know you didn't call me here for nothing Thranduil." Laerune retorted.

"Ah you caught me. Well you see, I have a plan. And it involves getting two certain elves together." He smirked.


Hey guys! Just a small reminder that this is going to be a short story, 15 chapters or so. Vote and comment!

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