ONE: Back to Texas

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Packing moving boxes, wrapping glassware in paper, being the new kid in small towns, these were all things I've become really good at. Ever since I was nine this was my life. Dads work has brought him all over America. Apparently, there was a real need for assistant coaches in the high school football sector.

We've never spent more than a year in one place, it use to bother me. It became hard to keep friends, make plans and even look forward to things like prom. I often think how my life would be.

Carmen left us when I was seven.

She moved to Canada, sent post cards and birthday money till I was thirteen, then it stopped. I never really questioned why she left us, just figured she couldn't handle the life anymore. Dad had a contract with TMU at the time. We lived in Austin, got my whole physical therapy program set up and that's the last thing I remember doing with my mom. It was a Sunday morning, she brought me to a walking session, and I remember loving it because she didn't say no to anything we went for breakfast I had the largest stack of banana chocolate pancakes then after my appointment we went for ice cream. It was a great day, little did I know when I woke up the next morning my mom would be gone. Dad always tried to make sure we were okay after that.

We tried staying in on place for a while, dad coached a season of Peewee but I could tell that the lack of thrill was getting to him. He loved the kids, loved the thought of teaching them the game the legacy would live on for generations to come. So much that when I was ten, dad asked me about adopting one of the boys he taught. He was only six and was already being led down the wrong path being raised by his older brother. His name is Maddox, he's now thirteen, and basically is a corban copy of my dad. He lives for football, goes to all the games and practices my dad will allow. Starting over is the most exciting thing for him because he sees it as being able to make new football friends.

We're going back to Texas.

Dillion to be exact. 

There was an opening for an assistant coach as of three weeks ago. Dad wouldn't tell us much but apparently the previous coach had just resigned after causing quite the uproar in the town after doing an interview so the job was offered to my father and of course he jumped. I've come to accept that football is what makes my father happiest so I just pack up with a smile and get in the car without discussion.

"You'll love Dillion Aria; the school is really good!" Dad say enthustically.

Aria smiles tightly, "I bet it is! I'm excited for you to start working with the team apparently, they're the best in Texas like one of the best players in the junior division a lot of the major colleges are already scouting them. They describe the full back as real work horse almost bully."

"Tim Riggins, I received their player profiles last week. Says he's a damn good block but he tends to let his extra circulars affect this work ethic but notes from the previous coach said that he's a bit of a hot head but for the most part has real heart f0r the game so I'm sure it'll all work out." Dad explains with a bit of a chuckle.

Maddox groaned from his back seat, "Are we almost there"

I'm hungry!"

Dad and I laughed in unison, "You just had two cheese burgers, a hot dog and a huge cup of sprite! How on earth are you still hungry!"

"That was two whole stops ago!" Maddox shrugs fidgeting with his headphone cord.

Dad and I shared a look, "Tell you what bud, I think there's an Applebee's in town. We'll stop there it will be our first family meal in Dillion."

I have two more years of high school then I'm off to California for university. It is my dream to work with children, make sure they have everything they need in life. I worked in a daycare and the elementary after school program back home. Honestly the hardest part of leaving was saying goodbye to the kids I worked with.

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