TWO: Jason Street

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TWO: Jason Street

We've been in Dillion about a week now I was quickly finding my rhythm. Dillion High was nothing spectacular, but to be fair when you've changed schools a number of times things really begin to look the same. Boring brick, standard class rooms and just another sea of nameless people to get lost in. luckily my schedule is filling in nicely, I begin my mentorship in Austin next Monday and have arranged to help at the public library on the Thursday evenings and Sundays. As I've gotten older I've realized that filling my time in new places always helps making the settling process easier.

My car arrived on Wednesday so I'm no longer needing to ask my dad to bring me here and there. Getting my licence was the best thing I ever did for myself. There's a sense of freedom that comes with knowing I'm able to get to point A and B without needing the aide of someone driving for me. So once that was settled I truly felt that I would easily find my footing around town.

At the moment my go to places were the general store and the library. Lester the man behind the counter at the store was always good for story, and a library felt my natural habitat at this point. Although the one in Austin wasn't as well stocked as the one back home I figured it was as good a hideout as any.

"I'm tell you this new coach won't even get us to State. Mark my words, we're screwed without coach Taylor." Tim Riggins spoke as he and Jason Street entered the small store. Tim making a bee line for the standing freezers grabbing two six packs.

Jason Street, the ex-quarter back of the Panthers wheeled up beside Tim. Dad had said Jason suffered a spinal cord injury during a bad pass during a game last year that landed him in a chair like mine. They had to take him off the field by ambulance and he spent the last six months in rehab regaining motor function. He'll never play the game again but the sports department at the school made him an assistant coach mid-season and now he spends his afternoon mentoring JB players.

"Come on Riggs, give the guy a chance! If I remember correctly you said the same thing about coach Taylor when he first started and he brought you far. By the way Mac talks about him Wilcox doesn't sound half bad, he's been around the circuit for a while now." Jason explained with a laugh taking a bottle of water from one of the chilled cases.

At least Jason seems fair.

Tim simply grumbled as he tucked both beer cases under his arm walking toward the counter.


I heard the bell after Jason and Tim's exit I grabbed a few packs of gummy bears off the rack I was pretending to look at and made my way up to Wade behind the counter.

"That junk will rot your teeth!" Wade playfully scolded ringing up the 4.50$ total.

I gave my usual banter in return, "You're the one who makes it so accessible to me Wade, if anything my dentist should be blaming you."

Wade gave a tight lipped smirk, "One simply does not blame the merchant for selling his merchandise. See you tomorrow Wilcox."

Giving a wave I made my way to the heavy set door.

Making it to my car should have been simple.

In the town of Dillion however, people love to talk especially if you're the new coach's daughter. People are full of curious questions and just love to chat about their pride for the game. I simply grin and bear it.

"Hey! Aria right?" Jason asked with a friendly grin that honestly look like it made his face hurt.

I nodded with a smile, "Yup! Jason right?Assistant coach if I heard correctly?"

Tim snickers popping a can of beer open, "More like team cheerleader."

Jason rolled his eyes looking at his friend before waving him off, "Ignore him. He's two beers deep."

I smirked looking at Tim, "Wow! Two beers deep and you've barely left the store. Is that what you consider your secondary talent? Besides being the Panthers trained monkey?"

"Oh damn! She got you!" Jason hollers.

Tim pulled the can away from his lips, "You couldn't handle what my real talents are Darlin' but I'm sure if you asked around I'd get a straight A report card from many of the girls around these parts."

Rolling my eyes I waved to Jason, "Nice to meet you Jason, I'll see you around! Don't drink yourself into a ditch Tim. I'd hate for you to disappoint all the girls you haven't gotten through yet! Oh and just a tip?"

Tim raised his eyebrows in fake interest.

"Would be cheaper if you just got a 12 pack no?" I said with a smile as the automatic ramp gliding down for me to get in. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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