Chapter 12

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It's been a few days since I discovered where they're keeping Matt. I haven't found a way to break him out yet, but I will soon. I'm mainly focused on distracting these people from bothering him. His safety is my main priority.

Bubba and I lounged in his room awaiting Loretta to call us for dinner. Lately, she's been kind enough to make me something not containing traces of human meat for dinner. It's usually something simple like mashed potatoes or soup, but I'm grateful for anything I can get. She insists I take my meals at the table with them, much to Nubbins disapproval, and even though watching them eat sickens me, I can't really refuse her invitation, can I? For a cannibalistic psycho, she sure is a stickler for etiquette.

I rummaged through the pile of clothing Loretta gave me to find something nice and clean to change into before supper. She claims she wants us all to look our best for Sunday dinner. I haven't a clue why. I didn't even know it was Sunday, but I guess I'll have to take her word for it.

A baby blue dress in a floral pattern of tiny white flowers with delicate lace accents around the edges drew my attention. I could tell it must have been one of her favorites by how faded it was and the delicate stitches from previous tears hidden within the pleats.

"What do you think of this dress?" I asked, holding it against my body and smoothing out the wrinkles.

Bubba, who was flipping through the pages of my poetry book and admiring the drawings, stopped to give me a thumbs up before returning to his book. I can tell he cares so much...

"Oh, Good! You like it! Now if you don't mind, could you turn around for a minute so I can change?"

With a nod, he reluctantly closed the book and turned his back to me, covering his face with his hands. When I was sure he wasn't looking, I stripped off my t-shirt and jeans and tossed them in a pile on the floor.

"You're not peeking, are you?" I teased even though I knew he never would.

He grunted and shook his head from side to side. He's a good boy, but then again can you ever really trust a man? Besides, I can see him perfectly through a mirror on the wall and he hasn't moved an inch.

Slipping the dress over my head and pulling it down over my bust and hips, I buttoned the tiny white buttons that lined the chest. It fit me perfectly. Hugged where it needed to hug and flared out where it needed to flare out. Loretta was right; we must have been about the same size.

"There, I'm all done. You can look now. " I said, smoothing out the wrinkles and giving a little twirl.

He fixed his gaze on me and a strange expression overtook his face as his eyes scanned across every line and curve of my body. Why is he staring at me like that? Maybe the dress is too short? It hits me right at my knees, and I've definitely worn shorter dresses, but maybe it's still too unmodest for their taste.

"Whatcha think? " I asked attempting to break the awkward silence.

"Good...beautiful" he signed, never letting his eyes leave me.

"Oh, really, you're too kind," I said with a laugh and an exaggerated hair flip. "You don't look too bad yourself, Bubs."

He had slipped a black suit jacket over a salmon-colored button-down and changed his mask into the one with make-up slathered across the face. It's by far the creepiest mask I've seen him wear. I can only see his eyes and a maybe a tiny sliver of his lips through this one. Everything else is completely hidden beneath the second layer of skin.

"Very handsome" I signed by stroking my cheek in circular motions.

Bubba giggled under his breath and shied away. He gets embarrassed so easily. I don't know why, but it's kinda cute how flustered he gets when I compliment him. I took a seat in the chair by the vanity and shuffling towards me with the book in his clasp, he plopped down on the floor by my feet.

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