Chapter 21 : Dirty little secrets.

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The next day I walked through the hallway licking a lollypop. What? It was really good. Rachel stopped me, glaring at me so hard I'm pretty sure she wanted me dead. Abby snarled already stepping forward to grab me but Rachel stopped her "she's mine"

Abby scoffed. She clearly wanted to deal with me too. "You think you can insult me and get away with it? "

I bit my lip. I had already said enough yesterday. Anymore would kill me. "You're lucky that Hotty Kenneth got everyone to delete that video. Are you fucking him too? Bitch! Can't keep your ass closed. "Abby shrieked. She probably liked Kenneth. Well that's not my problem.

Rachel stepped forward making my breath hitch. I really shouldn't have spoken yesterday. What had gotten into me? If I wasn't dead then, I'd be dead now.

"Stop talking to her already, we already have everything sorted out " Brittany stated, using her phone as always. "I only came here to give her a heads up " Rachel smiled sweetly, too sweet. When they left I blinked furiously. What could they be planning? Haven't I had enough of the shitty school and the students that came along with it like a package?

I could already imagine my death. 'Girl killed my confontation' or 'died by heart attack ' because right now I was sure Rachel hadn't confronted me yet and I dreaded the time she would. I was facing the seven bitches or as I called them, the seven demons. They included ;Rachel Taner, Brittany Sparks, Abby Sherlock, Ruby Malleton, Belle Wakila, Zoe Bakeman and Tasha Luke. They could become a gang! And it should be called the Seven deadly Demon sisters. Totally nailed it! By the way, I went to a school were status and wealth was worshiped, so I had to know the Seven Demons by names. Scar also helped fill me in.

By lunch time I was seating with the boys again, knowing fully well the Demon sisters were giving me the stink eye. They hated me, I knew. But did they have to make it so obvious?The boys had a fight yesterday and only minor bruises remained, they already made up. What a wonderful friendship. We all know that girls can hold a grudge more than anything else. We would be squeezing face like shit.

Kenneth was eating his food quietly and I needed to talk to him. He made those kids delete that video, he saved my nonexistent social life, he saved me from utter embarrassment. For someone who doesn't acknowledge you, he did something really nice, and I wanted to know why he did it. The bell rung, signalling break over as the boys and I parted ways, I followed Kenneth and stopped him. It was now or never

" I need to talk to you"

He took a deep breath "about? "

Scanning the hall ways for the Demons, I was satisfied when I didn't see any "why did you do it? "

He looked confused, refusing to answer me, but he did anyway"do what? "

Was she bluffing? Maybe Kenneth didn't do anything and I was making a bigger fool of myself. How could he? You could tell Kenneth really isn't fond of me. He acts as if it hurts him to come near me. Originally I wanted him to like me too, Like his friends did. But then I figured they were the ones to ask for my friendship, not the other way around. The relationship I had with Kenneth was beyond confusing. He needed to tell me-I needed to know. Does he really want to be friends with me?

"Did you stop the video of Abby... Bulling me, from going viral? " I said with difficulty.

He looked taken back, without giving me an answer he walked away living me in my pool of emotions. He couldn't walk away! Not while I was like that, I needed to know what he thought about me. What he feels about me-I knew I shouldn't care but I did. Why didn't Kenneth like me?

"Why did you do it?" I called out and Kenneth stopped walking "Why did you come into my life with your friends to give me mixed feelings about you?! Why don't you like me? Does my color irritate you? Is that it, do you hate blacks? What is your problem. Why come in, help me, and then go out? Why did you do it! Damn Kenneth what is wrong with you! "

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