( 𝟎𝟎𝟔 ) the bloody bus

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'pack mentality'


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ANOTHER DAY OF SCHOOL came along, and Lexi just wanted to get the day over and done with, and go home. The second she walked onto the school grounds, there were cops surrounding a school bus, which looked as if it had somebody murdered inside - and that terrified Lexi.
It seemed like lately, everything was happening all at once, and the quiet town of Beacon Hills, wasn't quiet anymore.

She was walking down the hallway, minding her own business, when she saw Scott by Jackson's locker, looking as if he was having a complete meltdown - she was about to go and check if he was alright, only to witness something crazy.
He punched the locker, creating a huge dent in the door, practically breaking it. Lexi paused in her footsteps and looked at the scene with wide eyes.
How the hell did he do that?

Lexi watched as he practically ran around the corner and out of sight, and she was still stood in shock at what she had just seen; no one else seemed to have seen but her, which shocked her, as it was incredibly loud.
Someone came up behind her, making her jump out of her skin and slightly screech, not expecting someone to be so close to her.

"S-Sorry." Stiles stuttered, backing up with his hands raised in surrender, watching as Lexi held her chest, taking deep breaths. "Are you okay?" He asked, concerned at how she was acting.

Lexi nodded, feeling quite breathless, "Yeah." She breathed.
"Is everything okay with your friend?" She then asked him, causing his eyebrows to furrow and panic to slightly rise in the small Stilinski boy.

"Yeah, I mean he's gr-great." He implied, scratching the back of his head in awkwardness, he didn't understand how she could know about the bus last night. "Why?"

Lexi motioned to Jackson's locker behind her, "Uhh. He did that." She said, still shocked at how someone as small as Scott could smash a locker like that.
"What is he, on steroids or something? How did he manage to do something like that?" She carried on, looking towards Stiles for answers.

It was strange that he had suddenly become good at lacrosse, as she had never even seen him on the field until this season - what if Jackson was right, and he was on some sort of drug?
She didn't want to believe it, but the evidence was stacking up against the boy; she just hoped that he was okay.

Stiles didn't know what to say, he knew that Scott was panicking about Allison maybe being slaughtered, but he didn't expect him to completely destroy Jackson's locker..
"Um, yeah, he's fine." Stiles trailed off, not knowing what to tell her.
He hated to lie to her, but he couldn't exactly tell her the truth, either. As the bell rang, Stiles silently thanked the lord.

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