Chapter 17

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Faye's eyelids felt like they were on fire and she hurt as if she had been beaten. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at a ceiling that she didn't recognize, blinking, she licked her lips and realized that she was very thirsty. She turned her head and looked at the fireplace that was across from the couch, it looked familiar, she turned her head a little more and figured out that she was in the garden apartment.

Wondering how she got where she was, she tried to sit up which proved difficult.

"How do you feel?" Silas asked, as he joined her, sitting on the edge of the deep couch, which had been turned into a bed for her. He reached out and put an arm behind her shoulders, pulling her up and towards him before stacking a few extra pillows behind her.

"Like I've been hit by a truck," she said through parched lips. "How long have I been here?" She looked down at what she was wearing and didn't recognize it. It looked like a man's t-shirt and she plucked at the cotton.

"Mine I'm afraid, it was the most comfortable thing that I could find for you to wear," he explained, rising and moving towards the little mini-fridge in the kitchen.

Faye moved, trying to find a comfortable position and realized that she had no bottoms on, only the t-shirt and her underwear. "Did you change me?" she asked, embarrassed by the thought.

"I did, I didn't think you would be very comfortable in your scrubs, plus you were burning up and I had to get your temperature down." He walked back towards her with a glass of what looked like orange juice and a pill bottle.

"How long have I been here? How did I get here?" she asked as she reached for the juice and gulped it down.

He watched her with an amused smile and then took the glass and refilled it with water. "A little slower this time," he suggested as he looked at the clock. "It's about 3 A.M. now, and I found you at about 10 A.M this morning. Chloe called concerned that you hadn't made it into work and that you hadn't called, so she asked me to check on you. I found you passed out on your kitchen floor, with a very high fever. I didn't have a way of taking your temperature, so I can't be sure how high it was though. I moved you down here and made a bed for you, then did my best to cool you down."

"It's that late!" Faye exclaimed. "You must be exhausted, you didn't have to stay up, you could have gone to sleep."

He smiled. "I don't need much sleep, and I needed to give you one more dose of the medicine before I called it a night." He once again sat down on the couch next to her.

"What's the diagnoses?" she asked, sipping the water and leaning her head back as she tried not to imagine his undressing her.

He felt massive sitting next to her, his arm stretched across her and resting on the back of the couch as he looked down at her, his other hand laying in his lap holding the pill bottle. "My best diagnoses is the flu. I decided not to take you to the hospital for treatment since you didn't seem in any immediate danger."

Faye nodded and sipped her water again, enjoying the way it cooled her burning throat. He opened the pill bottle and shook out two capsules and gave them to her to take. She did so without complaint.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, as he stood and walked towards a bag in the corner.

She shook her head and winced at the headache that it caused.

When he turned toward her, he had a stethoscope in his hand. "Do you mind if I take a listen?" he asked, holding it up, it reminded Faye that he was a doctor.

"No," she shook her head.

He walked back toward her and she watched the way he moved, for such a large man he was very graceful. He placed his hand on her forehead and felt for her temperature, then he took his long fingers and ran them along her neck, checking her glands. It was all straight forward doctor stuff, but her heart had revved up at the contact. He had to have noticed the difference. He picked up her wrist and took her pulse, his face blank of any emotion as he did.

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