chapter sixteen

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I WAKE UP TO STREAMS of sunlight on the crook of Carson's neck

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I WAKE UP TO STREAMS of sunlight on the crook of Carson's neck. Warmth surrounds me, and we cling to each other like saran wrap; my legs twisted in his, his arms secured around my waist. I never thought I'd be happy to wake up in this trailer park again.

He stretches and yawns, his hair is ruffled and his eyes are puffy with sleep. "Damn, I almost thought I dreamt that up."

"Hey, you're awake," I say.

"Yep. So, last night was... wow."

I bite my knuckle. "Wow's one way to put it."

Outside, two guys—Garnett and Lucas, I bet—shout at each other.

"Damn it, Luke!"

"Piss off!"

Whether I'm dating their brother or not, I still don't like those guys. But when Carson bursts out laughing, I can't help but join him.

"Welcome to my mornings," he says. "C'mon, let's get breakfast."

Carson lends me one of his hoodies. The oversized, red fabric swallows me, and it smells like last night—smoke and cologne and Carson. If I've ever been addicted to anything, it's his smell. Thinking about it makes me want him again. But then I remember everything else, and my stomach flops. I pull my phone from the back pocket of my jeans. Go figure, it's clogged with about fifteen messages from Mom. They start calm and spiral from worry to anger before she settles on a final text: Please let me know you're safe.

I reply: I'm fine. I stayed at Carson's. Don't worry, I'll get to school and be home for work later.

I've never acted out like this. I hope Mom doesn't blame herself, but either way... I don't regret it. I needed that time to clear my head and be happy. And last night was probably the best night of my life. But now with the sun shining, reality settles over me like a cloud of dust. Dad. At some point, I'm going to have to face him again, but I don't want to think about that right now. I tuck my phone in my pocket and follow Carson into the hallway.

The smell of maple syrup wafts from the kitchen, and Dorothy hums London Bridges. Shit, now I have to face her after clearly sleeping with her son. If it was my mom we were about to give a 'special surprise' to, she'd be livid—not outrageously, but in that quiet we'll talk about this later type of way.

But when we get to the kitchen, Dorothy's face lights up. "Oh my goodness, Jillian! You're here! I didn't even realize!"


Dorothy flips a pancake. She's wearing a long, pale yellow dress with lilac flowers over it. It looks familiar. Then it hits me: the dress from the photo.

"I made breakfast," Dorothy chirps. "Pancakes. You like pancakes, right, Jillian?"

"Yeah, I love them..." I trail off and look to Carson for comfort. When he pulls out a chair for me, I sit in it.

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