6 - Evil

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Siddarth's POV

This is the most heart breaking and difficult situation of my life when I meet my sister. Our one and only little sister. Whom we raised like our life. She was our happiness. when she smiles our whole family will smile, when she cries we all will cry with her. Neither our parents or we brothers never let any hurdles come on her way. Now I don't know how I am able to look at her in this condition.

Her smile which reached till her eyes is vanished to somewhere. She doesn't speak to anyone, she does not groom herself like before, anything plane which her nurse helps to wear. All day and night just stare outside through window without saying anything. Sometimes cries alone.

" Ridhima...." I called her softly but she doesn't even looked at me.

I walked towards her slowly and sat beside her by pulling a chair. When I touched her hands she just jerked off from me like I hurt her.

Some burn marks are there on her hands. Not only on hands when she was taken to hospital doctors said that there are several burn marks on her body. Even though she didn't get any third degree burns like Rudra still seeing these marks makes my heart churn.

Girl who grew up in our hands without getting a scratch is now in this condition. Looking at my little sister condition I never regrets what I am doing with Nivedita because she is the reason for my sister's situation so she deserves that. If my sister got burn marks then she have to look ugly more.

Stroking on her head I sighed heavily and turned to go back without saying anything.

" He will be alright " I heard Ridhima mumbling. I turned and looked at her with a shock

" He will be fine right ? " Ridhima was looking at me with her teared eyes.

" She promised me ..... She promised me. He will be alright..." Ridhima mumbled

" Who ? " I asked

" That girl ..... That girl who was with Rudra... they were together......." Suddenly she burst into tears and began to cry loudly. I quickly went to her side and hugged her tightly. She was crying miserably hugging to me.

" Nivedita....." I gritted my teeth to control my anger. Whenever I try to believe she might be getting misunderstood  something against her will pop out from somewhere.

Still I wanted to believe what I see. when my sister itself can't forget that filthy girl in this condition then how I will be able to leave that bitch just like that.

Ridhima should have tried her best to keep that girl away from Rudra but when someone is determined about destroying a marriage life for money no one can stop them. If and only if Ridhima would have called me for once I should have killed Nivedita at that next moment itself.

Ridhima calm down when her duty nurse give her medicine. I don't know whether I can get my old sister back. Even though Rudra is in critical condition we are trying our best to make him live. For now he is still in ventilator and here my little sister is in this condition counting each and every moment to see her husband.


I was in my office my secretary came to me and said there is a guest for me. Enquiring further I get to know that it was my sister's arson case investigating officer and Rudra's brother Raguveer.

When they came to my cabin there was an another guest along with them. Shruti , office assistant of my brother in law.

I wanted to confirm that what Reguveer said about Nivedita was right or not. My stupid mind always gives this second thoughts when it is Nivedita. Otherwise I am a person who doesn't ask for a second opinion if I decided something.

Living hellΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα