schools out forever

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  • Dedicated to Gace Clowers

Sorry if i copy anyones stories i don't mean to I just have ideas and write them.

(Misty's POV)

"Get up.... I said get up!" My best friend Grace yells at me from my doorway. I never had liked werewolf school.Yep I'm a werewolf and we have to go to school from the time we turn 5 until the age 18.

"Get up or I'll make you." Grace threatens. Yet I don't listen, big mistake. A minute later a big bucket of ice water is being poured on top of me. I quickly jump up out of bed trying to escape the torture. I am very dramatic sometimes. Grace started laughing at me so I got an idea of my own.

"Hey Grace how ya doin? How about a hug?!" We started running around the house me soaking wet and her screaming bloody murder like I was trying to chop her arm off. We finally remember that we actually have to get ready sometime. We both run off in opposite directions to try and get ready before we are late. Luckily today is the last day.


When we got to school a.k.a training hell we hurried to first class (running). When we get there coach Darr gives us the evil eye because we were late.

"Alright ladys tie your clothes to your wrist and shift." Coach Darr yells all too loud because we are standing right in front of him. All girls undressed and tied our clothes onto our wrists then shifted. It felt nice to stretch out.

"Okay ladies lets go 10 laps around the school, Misty and Grace you go 15 now go go go!!!" He screamed again all toot loud. Everyone sped off to try and get done as soon as possible so they would have time to relax before next class. With 15 laps Grace and i would have no time to relax, darn.


Woot woot the laps are finally over.... and I'm late for my next class yay (note sarcasm). Next class is fighting. Fighting is my favorite class always has been. I can release any feeling i had building up inside if me. When we got to the other side of the campus for fighting coach Smith was waiting for us to start class.

"Grace, Misty your late stay after training! Ok girls pick your partners and shift." Grace and I decided to be partners. We are now shifted and prepared to fight.

"Ok and...begin!" The coach blowed her whistle and I was off because I knew I could easily out run Grace and she can usually out fight me so this is my best bet. I saw a tree and jumped on one of the giant branches.

'Oh no fair you know I can't jump that high!' Grace yelled at me through the mindlink.

'I know suuuucckkeerrr!' I replided back knowing I had her upset. I looked up and saw coach walking over to us and I saw Grace looking at coach also.'This is my chance!' I thought to myself. Quickly Jumped off the branch onto Grace's back tackling her to the ground. Putting her in a position so she couldn't breath knowing she would give up, which she did. Coach Smith was standing over us when I looked up.

"Girls when class is over I want you to report back to me then you can start your run." And of course we couldn't argue because we were in wolf form.

When training was over we trotted back over to coach Smith.

"Okay you will be running 5 laps around the school..... well don't just stand there chop, chop!" Grace and I sprinted off. While running I was thinking about how I wish the boys didn't go to a separate school so I could see my brother more. As we were running I started to slow down so I wouldn't get so tired. And I didn't really care if I was late to classes I mean it was gonna happen anyway why not add a few more minutes. I slowed down all the way to a slow trott. The school is surrounded by woods and I love the woods so I just kept admiring them while trotting along. There was some moving deeper in the woods so I took a step in to check it out. What I saw is not whay I expected. There infront of me was the most beautiful wolf I had ever seen. He (yes I checked) had a rich golden colored fur with a white diamond shape on top of his head and light brown feet and tail tip. His fur shined in the sun of the clearing he was standing in. All of a sudden the most wonderful smell ever filled my nose. He smelled like pine, chocolate, and vanilla.The wolf turned towards me and sniffed the air. Then I saw his eyes, they were the most brilliant dark blue I have ever seen. He started to walk towards me.

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