mine. the one thing i didn't want to see

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(Ryker's POV)

Today is a good day. I woke up to the sun shining and the wind blowing. Don't forget no werewolf school. The boys school got let out a day or so before the girls school. Since I didn't have school I decided to go for a run in the woods to stretch out my muscles. When I got downstairs my mom was sipping tea in the kitchen so I slowly snuck by. If I get caught she wouldn't let me leave until she had cooked some breakfast for me. 'I had a terrible childhood my parents loved me to much' I thought to myself sarcasticly. When I was a safe distance from the house I shifted. Once I started running I couldn't stop theres just something about it that gets me every time. I was in the middle of a clearing when I stopped running. The sun was warming my back so I stood and just admired everything around me. That's when it hit the best smell ever. It was like strawberries, peaches, and.... vanilla; I couldn't get enough. As I turned I kept taking deep whiffs of the beautiful smell. When I had turned all the way around the most beautiful wolf I had ever seen stood there. She (and yes I checked) was white but had legs that slowly turned silver the farther down you looked. And her eyes were amazing, the color was a very bright piercing green that out shined the sun. But do you know what made me most happy? Answer; she's mine. I could of gotten anyone but the Moon Godess was nice enough to give her to me. Slowly and carefully I made my way to her not wanting to scare her off. She stood still watching me approach. When I got close enough to see her eyes I saw the one thing I didn't want to see, fear.

* Hi guys thank u for reading my story so far. I love u all




Whatever u want i love it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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