0800 Hours: Recording #024

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"0800 hours. One day since Cye called me 'babe'. We're nearly at the last checkpoint for Beith Sanctuary. And I think we might be fucked."

A deep breath escapes, and all hope with it.

"It's kind of funny, y'know? Like, I was always so... blasé about dying. Kind of welcomed it actually – at least I wouldn't have to live without digestives. What a shitty reason to hold on, huh?"

They finish with a despondent sniff.

"Fucking typical isn't it? I'm faced with my imminent demise the moment I finally find something real to live for."

There's a soft snore in the background; their companion is still asleep.

"God, that was embarrassing. I really hope I'm dead before anyone hears these."

It's silent now, completely. Eerily quiet. Deathly.

"I've been thinking a lot lately. Insert sarcastic comment from Cye here, I know. See, there's two possibilities. The first is that everyone's dead. And that's terrifying. Really and truly one of the most horrific things I can think of. But the thing is, that's not even the worst outcome."

The recorder starts squealing, a warning that the battery is running low.

"What if we get there, right, and everyone's still alive? And they must be taking extra precautions now that first two checkpoints have been breached..."


"What if we get there and they take me, but not Cye?"

"Well, if that happens you promised me you wouldn't do anything stupid."


The exclamation is bright, a sun escaping from the clutches of a dense grey cloud.

"Morning – Mm!"

A faint noise caresses the microphone, the whisper of a kiss.

"Good morning, babe."

"Not that I'm complaining, but is this a thing now? 'Babe'?"

"Well, you started it."

There's a small huff that's supposed to be derisive but only sounds pleased.

"So you ready then? We're only about an hour from the checkpoint now. Time to meet our doom?"

"You know Cye, what I love about you is your sunny disposition. Also, um..."

"What, Cameron?"

"Can we hold hands?"

"Well, since you asked."


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