24 | you like overwhelming

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you like overwhelming

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4 8   H O U R S

     Update: my feelings for Trey hasn't disappeared.

     See, the smart thing would be hanging around Trey and Justine so I would know how I feel, right? But I'm doing the exact opposite. I've been avoiding them because I'm scared to know that my feelings might be legit. Which is not wise, I know.

     I'm sitting at the bleachers trying to get some shade from the burning sun. It's freakin' hot outside, and if it wasn't PE class, I would be jumping to the nearest swimming pool. My usual PE buddy skipped, but she didn't tell me why. Usually Liv likes volleyball. Although she's lucky to not join us right now, and it's not only because of the sun.

    "Fucking A," Jude growls.

     Somehow our schedule intermingled with a senior class's schedule. The coaches decided to pair us up for one session, and two of them are arguing by the back of the post, all angry hand gesticulations.

     And guess what? Jude happens to be in that senior class.

    "What's wrong, Jude? Did we crash your show-everyone-off-that-I'm-a-track-star party?"

     He rolls his eyes and snorts, but in a way that seems as if he was waiting for my smart ass comment. "I just really looked forward to play."

    "I didn't," Vic mutters beside me. Can't believe I didn't notice him in class before. "I need a smoke."

     Jude's eyes widen. "You smoke?"

    "Yeah, what's it to you?"

    "Nothing," he answers with a glare of his own. "You just didn't seem like the fucking type."

     I tug hard on Jude's shirt so he's standing in front of me. "Don't move. I need some shade so I don't burn to death."

     He raises his eyebrows, looking down at me. "And that's my problem how?"

     I punch his stomach, which is more of a disadvantage. Feeling the hard muscles under his shirt makes my cheeks heat. He grins wide at me, and when I look up, it's almost blinding — with his golden hair and dazzling green eyes, I can barely concentrate on anything else. 

     It's moments like this where I realise, that when I'm not weirdly confident and comfortable around him, the rest of it is just... on edge. Tense. Stomach in knots and nerves on breaking point.

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