Chapter 2- Freelancing

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It was a scene of a square-shaped lounge where black sofas were present in an L shape. Pair of comfy chairs with a table was also present in the corner. On one of those chairs, Sahir was sitting. One wall of the lounge contains large windows which were open at that moment. The breeze was hitting him, the chirping of birds could be heard and the scent of rose had enveloped his being. Taking sips of coffee, he was gazing at the trees which were grown in their garden. Clad in a gym suit with feet on the table, he was enjoying the sight.

"Sahir, when is the marriage of your friend? " His daze was interrupted by her mother who had just entered the lounge and sat on the other chair.

"Of Zain? It is on the weekend. " He replied and took a sip.

"And what have you planned about his gift? "

"I will discuss it with my other friends and will decide then." He replied casually.

"Okay," His mother replied with a nod.

There was a silence of a few minutes. Sahir could feel that his mother was silent, gazing at him with thoughtful expressions. It seemed that she was assembling words to utter. Sahir knew the topic but kept his careless expressions.

"When will you get married? " his mother asked with a tired tone; tired of having long discussions on this topic.

"When I will get a PhD degree from a foreign university and will be able to own a company of at least 100 employees. Before it, I don't want this topic to be discussed." He said in a straight and non-flexible tone.

"Sahir, don't set unrealistic goals in your life. I pray that all of your dreams come true, but stopping life on a point is not a wise choice." His mom said. Taking a deep sigh, he put the cup of coffee on the table.

"Mom, my whole life revolves around this point. I don't want my focus to be averted from this point. So please, stop pressuring me." He stood from his chair.

"Your friends are getting married, having children and you are in your fantasy land." His mother said with anger and frustration.

"It is their choice, Mom. Every person has different perspectives about life, and all perspectives are respectable. I am not saying that I don't want to marry as it is against our Islam teachings. I just want some time and personal space for my personal growth. So please, stop getting tense because of it."

He replied and went toward his room, leaving his mom alone with her worrisome thoughts.


On the other corner of the city, Saba and her mother were also sitting on Saba's bed, chit-chatting with each other. Wrapped in the quilt and having a plate of peanuts in between them, they were having the same discussion.

"Mrs Shaheen was saying to me that after the marriage of Zain, it is your daughter's turn now. So, start taking part in household chores."

Pout settled on Saba's face at her mother's words.

"Mom, first let me make a name in the freelancing world, and then I will think about marriage." She ignored household chores and put her point in front of her.

A disapproving frown etched on her mother's face.

"I want to marry you at your ideal age. And that is final! "

Helplessness crawled into her being. She was going to answer her Mom but the beep of her mobile averted her attention.

The notification was from Fiverr (a freelancing platform) so she quickly opened it. A client has messaged her at which her orbs glint. Leaving the peanuts, she leaned against the bed headboard and started typing on the mobile.

Love starts after Nikkah Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin