Chapter 10

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As soon as we came out of the spell, Achilles shot up and mumbled something about going to the bathroom even though I don't even think he knew where it was.

Aya gave him a dry look as he stumbled out of the room.

"You don't like him." I said, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back in my seat.

"Let's talk about the vision, Alexandre."

I shifted in my seat. "I go by Xander now, Aya. This isn't Belgium." We'd met about thirty years ago in Brussels, at the European conclave. The same place where Elle and I had met. Things had been very different then.

Aya brought me out of my reverie when she continued talking. "In both of those versions of the future, the bracelet was still there." She hesitated, taking a quick breath. "It can't be removed, Xander. Not until whatever the big choice is, happens. Based on what I was feeling during the vision, it had already happened and Achilles made the choice to keep wearing it."

I sighed, scrubbing my hand over my face. "That'll upset him. He'll think we came here for no reason. He's a bit emotionally claustrophobic, I think."

"Don't pretend like it doesn't upset you, too." Aya countered.

I clasped my hands together on my lap, speaking quietly. "The marriage future was nice. I've always wanted that. I could feel how much I loved him. And I can't yet, obviously. But the way he was looking at me, I knew he felt the same way. The other one—" I breathed. "I don't want that."

"Nothing is definitive, Xander." Aya said softly. "You both have to want it."

I touched my throat. "He says he knows what he wants, but I'm not really sure. Things would be so much easier if he were out." I let out a dry laugh. "How can a twenty-seven year old man not be out?"

Aya frowned, and I was surprised when she came to his defense. "You shouldn't compare his journey against your own."

Achilles burst into the room, looking stricken and pale. "Xander. We need to go. Now."

I stood up quickly. "But, we just got here."

Achilles' eyes shifted between Aya and I. "Please, Xander. I'll explain on the way."

Aya stood up as well, giving me a brief hug. "Don't be a stranger, Alexandre. And thanks for coming out all this way even if it was short." She stepped away from me, giving Achilles a hard look. "Treat him well, shifter."

Achilles grumbled deep in his throat, but, gave a begrudging nod, taking my hand and walking out of the room.

I couldn't focus between Achilles holding my hand and Achilles holding my hand. "Did something happen?" I got out around the feeling of my heart lodged in my throat.

"Yeah. Sunny needs me." Achilles held my hand all the way throughout the house and until we got to the car. His hands were rough, and a bit calloused and for a moment I imagined him dragging his palms across my body and his nice that would feel. But, Achilles was still talking. "She called me before I made it to the bathroom, saying her parents kicked her out. She's sixteen! What the fuck?! I knew they had problems but this is ridiculous. I told her to hang out at the library until I can let her in to my place."

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