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While Y/n was resting after the 'incident', there were two boys, both unrighteously planning for a certain girl to end her quest of life.
She had injured whats theirs and left a scar, for that, she must pay.
She must pay her deed 1 million times worst then their loved one, she would be pierced like her. However, she would not be able to be fixed, forever.

Tom and Ethan, both boys who were outraged with the same prey, spent time together for excluding the perfect despicable plan. Ethan has come to know that Y/n and Tom were both magically gifted. Ethan was jealous. Jealous of Tom. He never got anything Tom got, but he certainly would get Y/n, he'll make sure of it. Even if he gets killed, he shall pervade and guide her through the rest of her life until she joins him.
Or at least that's what he hoped.

Tom, on the other hand, wasn't even a hint jealous of the muggle boy. He held a high confidence level of him winning Y/n over. He was not afraid, not jealous but there was one emotion he felt. It was a strange sensation that he didn't like, not one bit.

Tom, a boy who planned out everything that was going to happen in his life, had been confused. He was not confused with a question, no. Rather about a certain girl, he came to care fora little too much. 

She drove him crazy, always sticking in his mind as if she was glued there with cement. She made him feel sentiments and things he thought would never feel.  Every time she was hurt, he felt anger.  When she was sad, he felt pain. He absolutely despised everything he felt, however, he couldn't hold back the adrenalin he felt. She made him care. She made him normal, and he hated it.

For that, he made up his mind. He wasn't going to care anymore. Tom reminded himself she was no-one to him. A mere object he used to accompany for entertainment and power. He evoked that he would never care for her again. Even if she bled or even possibly died, he wouldn't care. He would not go out of his way to make her happy repeatedly.  No, not again. She will be alone now. Without him. 

Even though Tom kept recalling that he doesn't regard the girl, he couldn't help but feel


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