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[Narrator Pov]

Alex continue rubbing his forehead, most likely already having a headache from being around these ridiculous guests and Willy Wonka feel sympathy to his husband and can't do anything to the reduce headache. "Look. The Oompa-Loompas." Charlie said, pointed out to Oompa-Loompas who suddenly doing weird behavior as they seems making a song? "Back off, you little freaks." Said Mike Teavee, one of the rotten children and Alex can't help but glare at the rude behavior of the boy.

"What are they doing?" Ask Veruca Salt, the little girl who thought that money is make from tree as the guests watched all Oompa-Loompas suddenly start to make a song. "Why, I believe they're going to treat us with a little song. It's quiet a special occasion for us actually." Alex answered, smiling at Willy Wonka who smiling back. "After all," Willy Wonka continue, wrapping his arm around Alex's shoulder, "they haven't had an audience in many a moon."

And all Oompa-Loompas starting to run toward the chocolate river and they start to dance as they singing.

'Augustus Gloop! Augustus Gloop!
The great big greedy nincompoop!

Augustus Gloop!
So big and vile
So greedy, foul, and infantile

'Come on!' we cried, 'The time is ripe
To send him shooting up the pipe!
But don't, dear children, be alarmed;

Augustus Gloop will not be harmed,
Augustus Gloop will not be harmed
Although, of course, we must admit
He will be altered quite a bit.

Slowly, the wheels go round and round,
The cogs begin to grind and pound;
We boil him for a minute more,
Until we're absolutely sure

Then out he comes! And now! By grace!

A miracle has taken place!
A miracle has taken place!
This greedy brute, this louse's ear,
Is loved by people everywhere!
For who could hate or bear a grudge

Against a luscious bit of fudge?'

Alex let out a chuckle while Willy Wonka applauded the little people's concert. "Bravo! Well done! Aren't they delightful? Aren't they charming?" Willy Wonka ask, clapping his hands with smile but his smile dropped when Mr.Salt commented, "I do say, that all seemed rather rehearsed." Mike looked up at the pipe, "Like they knew it was gonna happen." Alex rolling his eyes and start to write on his clipboard that he holding.

Name: Augustus Gloop

From:  Düsseldorf, Germany


One down Four more to go...' Alex thought and quickly followed the guests and his husband, feeling a little bit annoyed when Mrs.Gloop hurried run to Willy Wonka as she asking where the pipe goes. 'Oh bother...' Alex thought as he watch Willy Wonka explain about the pipe and Mr.s Gloop so horrified when she just found out that the pipe that just suck her son is the pipe where they going to make a fudge.

Don't want to make his headache become more worse, Alex quickly call one of Oompa-Loompas and one of them walk toward Alex. "I want you to take Mrs.Gloop up to the Fudge room and help her find her son. And take a long stick, and start poking around in the big chocolate mixing-barrel, alright?" Alex order and Oompa-Loompa crossed his arm over his chest making Alex do the same. Oompa-Loompa bowed to his boss and his boss's assistant before tugging Mrs.Gloop's skirt making Mrs.Gloop look at Willy Wonka and Alex unsure. Willy Wonka encouraging her and Mrs.Gloop hesitantly following Oompa-Loompa.

"On with the tour," Willy Wonka start walking as he dragging his husband along with the other guests following them.

"So, what for dinner tonight, love?" Willy Wonka ask, wrapping his arm around Alex's shoulder to bring his husband closer as Alex continue writes some paperwork in his hand. "Dinner, huh? Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out." Alex says, chuckle at his husband's pout face. The couple and the group of family continue walk until they reach at the brink by the river where the group of family saw a colossal pink seahorse boat gliding down the river towards them.

The group of family can't help but stare at the boat in surpise since it's really huge but so elegant at the same time. It came to a stop before them and the Oompa-Loompas who were driving it began giggling for some reason. "What's so funny?" Violet Beauregarde, the 'best' chewing gum champion-which make Alex cringes at her everytime she chews the gum-sneered.

"I think it's from all those dog-gone cocoa beans." Willy Wonka replies, with a mischevious glint in his eyes as he leaned a little bit to get their attention. "Oh hey, by the way, did you guys know thst chocolate contains a property that triggees the release of endorphins? It gives one the feeling of being in love." Willy Wonka explains and Alex has a pink tinted on his cheeks when he feel an arm wraps around his waist. "You don't say." Mrs.Beauregarde said in a breathy voice and Alex quickly clear his throat.

"Mrs.Beauregarde, I want to remind you that this man is my husband. So, could you please do not flirt with someone's husband where you already have one?" Alex warns, narrowing his eye toward Mrs.Beauregarde who quickly look away from Alex's narrowed gaze as she quickly get into the boat.

"You shouldn't be jealous, my dear. You do know that you will always my number one, right?" Willy Wonka ask, glancing at his husband who still narrowing his eye toward Mrs.Beauregarde and snap out from his thought when he heard Willy Wonka speaks. "Well of course I get jealous. Who doesn't easily get jealous when some random chick is flirting with someone's husband? Totally not me." Alex sneers and let out small yelp in surprise when Willy Wonka slaps his butt and just stand beside Alex like nothing happens.

"D-D-Did you just...." Alex stutters, blush all over his cheeks and all Willy Wonka do just smile at him, make Alex really want to punch him for doing unappropriated in front of the guests but luckily, the guests didn't saw it. "Come now, they waiting for us~" Willy Wonka whispers softly in Alex's ear and quickly makes his way toward the boat. Alex blush and grumbles to himself before makes his way to the boat and sit besides Mr.Teevee.


~(X) ~

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory © Roald Dahl

Reader © You

Book © Mine

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