Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A knock at the front door had my heart racing in fear as I sat at the kitchen table. What if they're back? What if they get me this time?

Dad took one glance at my panicked face and got up to answer the door without a word.

I held my breath as I listened to the door open and a familiar voice trail into the house. I instantly calmed at the sound of Liam.

"Ready for school?" He casually asked as he stepped into the kitchen with dad right behind him.

I nodded instead of verbally answering because if I did I would probably cry. Yesterday really messed me up. I barely slept last night, and when I did I had nightmares of being kidnapped. How does Liam deal with the constant threat of a whole gang after him?

I grabbed my backpack from the chair next to me as I got up, and followed Liam out, tossing a quick "Goodbye." Over my shoulder at dad.

Once we were in Liam's car he turned to me, genuine concern written all over his face.

"Are you okay?" He softly asked, reaching out to grab my hand.

I nodded to tell him I was okay, but my trembling bottom lip told him something else entirely. I wasn't okay at all after what happened.

Liam quickly leaned over and wrapped his arms around me in a warm and comforting embrace, and that's all it took for me to break down.

I sobbed into his chest for a while, and when I was done I pulled away and looked down at my lap in embarrassment. I was acting like a little kid scared of the monster under their bed. Why can't I be stronger? Fearless?

"I won't leave you alone again. I should've had guys at your house before, but after you called me last night I sent some people to watch over your house. From now on someone will always be around to keep you safe." Liam told me, guilt swirling in his golden eyes.

I shook my head, "This isn't your fault. How could you know that was going to happen? I don't understand how they even knew about us."

"I don't know." Was all he said, starting up his car a moment later. If we didn't leave now we'd be late for school and that's the last thing I needed right now.

Not a single word was uttered for the whole ride to school. It wasn't an awkward silence, but it was heavy. Filled with fear, confusion, and anger. Not towards each other, but for the whole situation.

Maybe this is the universe trying to tell us that we shouldn't be together. Steph never would have been cheated on by Leo if I had bumped into anyone other than Liam on the first day of school. And I wouldn't have the threat of a gang breathing down my neck.

Only bad things have come from us ever knowing each other. If I chickened out of kissing Liam for the game, Steph and Lisa would still be best friends. So much has changed for the worse since this all started.

I should be focusing on my grades, but instead I'm worrying about the real chance of getting kidnapped just because I'm with Liam.

But I couldn't break it off with him. I wouldn't even contemplate it. I'm happier than I've ever been now that we're together, despite all the drama that's happened. It feels right with Liam, like we belong even if the world is saying otherwise.

"I guess there's no point in pretending we're not together now that the rival gang knows about us." Liam finally spoke up once we were parked at school.

My mood lifted slightly at his words. He's right, we can be a couple everywhere now.

I gave him a small smile, "At least something good came from last night."

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