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My mom drove down the darkened street as we made our way to our new apartment, I looked out the window the whole entire car ride. I didn't want to see the sadness of my moms gaze towards the rode or I would've cried.

We stopped at the front of the house. I got out and unloaded all of our stuff from the trunk.

As a family we never kept a lot of meaningless things, just in case if anything happened we could travel light and only take the essentials we needed.

My mom and I walked up to the front door, she put the keys in and unlocked it, as soon as we got inside I rushed to look at my room.

It was dark so I searched to flick the lights on. It was a tiny dimly lit light that was mounted on the ceiling, right in the middle of the room, it was attached to a ceiling fan and the light fixture looked like a ceiling titty.

The room smelled of fresh paint, mold, and mustiness. Like the person who lived here before us never bathed and they left all of their rotted smells in the room. I scrunched up my nose at that thought.

The walls were cracked as if the people who were supposed to fix the house up hadn't fixed them and just put plaster over it. I sighed, looking around the tiny room a bit more. The carpet was a rough dark tan color with tiny white flakes on it. They didn't at least vacuum it?

I'm going to need to clean this place up a bit, and the workload would be grave.

I walked out of the room to see where the bathroom was and what it's current condition was. It was just down the hall.

I opened the creaky door and turned on the bright lights that blinded me momentarily.

It was in better shape than my room, I could say that for sure. Probably because that musty guy who lived here before us never used it a day in his life.

After I took a tour of the small rented house my mom had called for me to get the rest of my boxes and trash bags with clothes and other things in them.

I took a long glance at the house as I stood in front of the door, sighing to myself before going to grab my things.

Looking at my surroundings I walked slowly towards the house getting a sense of the neighborhood. It was cool and quiet as the night darkened the rest of the houses from my view, with the winds rustle in the distance it made the place seem like a ghost town.

I walked up to our house once again, with my things in my arms and entered my room. Setting my stuff on the floor just before going back to get the rest of my boxes and bags.

"I'll get you a bed when I get some extra money. Okay?" My mom whispers as her voice was shaky from the fight she had earlier this morning with my dad, she patted my hair, messing it up and combing through it with her fingers as she kissed my cheek. "Okay." I huffed sadly as I walked back to my room.

It's not that I'm ungrateful that I didn't have a bed or that we were starting from scratch in a new town. It's just my mom was still not over my dad. She still worried over him and stressed herself up even more about the situation. I understand they were each other's first love but he was a bad man, maybe he use to be a great guy.

But not anymore.

Tomorrow was my first day at a brand new school and it was quite late so I started to prepare for bed.

I walked over to a box that said bed linens and draped it over the rough carpet. Then from the same box I took out a big fluffy blanket I got for my birthday 3 years ago. It was dark navy blue and very comforting.

I tend to keep all the stuff I get from my parents or should I say mom now?

Anyway it was a really good blanket. It was a nice soft blanket with two sides. A suede and cotton side.

I tend to use the suede side because it's really nice and soft, it glided through my fingers and it felt very velvety on my skin.

I finished with my makeshift bed, I walked out of my room because I wanted to say goodnight to my mother. Only to find her nowhere to be found, but on the counter top laid a note and a key to the front door. The note was in my mom's handwriting.

'Sorry sweetheart work had called and my shift started. I love you so much! There's food in the fridge if your hungry. I left the extra key and your bus schedule. I won't be back till the afternoon.'


I read the last couple of words and sighed, walking back to my room with a heavy heart. My mom was going to be extra busy now that we have moved and she is on her own with a kid.

She's a nurse, so it was really hard for her to get a job out here so I didn't mind if she had to leave.

I just hope she takes care of herself and remembers to eat properly. Even though I should be taking my own advice too.

I turn off the lights and set an alarm on my phone for 6 o'clock.

I closed my eyes, seeing nothing but blackness.

Laying on the carpet my ears were filled with the noises of the night. Owls hooting, the winds rustle, and the soft pelt of the rain that started coming down.

They soothed me as I drift off to sleep.

The next day I woke up to hear my annoying alarm, blaring some stupid tune. I was definitely not a morning person.

Could you tell?

I threw the covers off of me as I walked to the kitchen, I stretched my stiff limbs as I patted through to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and found some milk in it and cereal in the cabinets. Since we haven't unpacked yet I had to dig through a box to find a bowl. I eat breakfast and go to my room to get ready for school.

I take some clothes out of my trash bags, a fitted white shirt with some skinny dark blue jeans. Then I took the clothes with me into the bathroom so I could take a shower.

The warm water that cascaded over my face felt nice. It had relaxed the tension in my muscles that I had built up for school today being the new kid and all.

As soon as I'm done I get out and head back to my room, packing my bag up with all my school essentials.

I grab my backpack and headed to the front door, taking the key and bus schedule before leaving to walk to the bus stop. Looking at the direction of the bus stop on the schedule, I was surprised that it wasn't far, so I had some extra time to kill. Since I was a bit early I decided to play a few games on my phone as I waited for the bus.

"Hi!" A guy shouted making me jump and turn my head slowly towards him, confused. "Hey?" I asked looking at the guys features. He had oceans blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, and very muscular figure. He looked like he played sports.

Why was he talking to me? I just got here and people are already greeting me.

I'm not used to it.

"Are you new?" He asked with a puzzling look. "Yea, I just moved here yesterday." I replied trying to keep my sentences short and monotoned so he knows that I don't want to talk.

This guy is a little too friendly and it honestly worried me about some hidden intentions he might've had.

He seems too cheerful about having a new kid at the school. "Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Anderson Beckett but you can call me Andi!" He beams, smiling brightly as his pearly whites where in view. His smiles are quite comforting and contagious. To my surprise I actually smiled back with a chuckle.

"I'm Cole Davis. Nice to meet you too Andi."

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