Yandere M!vampire x vampire F!reader

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This was requested by @Anya4608 and thank you for that.

3rd P.O.V

There has always been a tradition among vampires. A ball for vampire bloodlines of strong and those who would just make your blood freeze with fear. The ballroom is full of vampires. Some are from simple families that are there just because they know someone well respected and strong vampires. You could smell the worry and slight fear in them when someone much stronger walks past them. Then again everyone is nervous and stressed tonight. Why? Well two strongest vampire bloodline heirs are coming to this ball. They rarely show their face often. Which is the reason why there are many rumors about them.

A lady of the north is said to be nice but strict. You can talk to her but watch your words or you might get that tongue ripped out. Those who have met her say that "she is beautiful" but keep your hands to yourself or you might find them buried 60 feet underground. How much was truth wasn't known. Some of the rumors were ancient.

The lord of south was also very unknown to many. Not many have met him and those who have..... well let's say no one ever heard of them again. But one thing was known for sure and that is that lord and lady have met each other before. No one knows what happened that day or when it happened. Everything became quiet when doors opened and lady herself walked inside.

Y/n P.O.V

As I stepped inside the ballroom everything became quiet. At this point in life it's not really shocking since I usually have effect like that on others. I wave my hand as a sign for everyone to continue what they were doing and within time the room is filled with chattering again. It's not easy to always be feared by almost everyone. I may be strong but I wouldn't hurt anyone unless it was necessary.

As I'm walking around I accidentally bumb into someone. Vampire that is younger and weaker is looking at me with fear and terror. Before I can say anything he starts rambling and talking in panicked voice. "I-I-I-I'm s-sorry! I d-didn't look w-where I was going!" I was going to say that it was my fault. But this happens very often. Worse part is that everyone is looking at us.

I don't know how long the scene has been going on until someone grabbed my hand and lead me away. Normally I wouldn't follow anyone I didn't know but I'd rather be anywhere else at the moment. As I follow a hooded figure out of the situation to outside. I'm rather surprised no one noticed us leaving the place.

Outside we stopped near this huge tree. The figure turned around to face me but didn't let go of my hand. So I slightly pulled it out of its hand. "Thank you for helping me but I assure you that it was complitly unnecessary." I told the hooded figure with calm voice. Then the figure moved the hood on his head off to show that it was no other than Lord of south. It makes a lot of sense since his special ability is that he can hide presence of his and those he touches. That's why other vampires didn't notice us leaving. But that raises one question...... When did he come into the ballroom?

It was quiet for a moment until Lord said. "Why did they invite us to this ball if they know that situations like that might happen?" He said it with so much poison in his voice. I don't see why he cares tho. We met once just because we were told that it would be good for our covens. Like alliance and all that. While I was in my thoughts I felt hands snake around me. "Heh~ Did that little vampire scare you?~ I'll take care of it that pesky little vampire won't be leaving his coffin anytime soon.~" After he said that, I quickly smacked him on the head. "Hey! Don't you are hurt him! He did nothing wrong besides it was an accident." I said. He sighed but nodded his head and then placed it on my shoulder. I know it wouldn't be any good but I had to be sure. I decided to read his mind to make sure he is going to keep his word. 'I will fucking murder that piece of shit for touching something that belongs to me. Why does she even want to protect that guy? Doesn't matter  because she'll be mine now and forever.'


(772 words)

This has to be one of my worst writings ever.

yandere monster/creature/urban legend/folklore X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now