Part 5

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Shyam had supported Arnav when Anjali ranted out her frustration on his tendency to always impose his decisions on others.She was irritated with his big brother attitude. Anjali couldn't understand Shyam's such mellowed behavior towards Arnav who hated the sight of him. He had beaten the shit out of him that day.

Also this man was first one to jump and free Khushi from Arnav's grip and was again abusing the same girl like he had in the past. Was it a momentary lapse on the day of the wedding? And what the hell happened to his case tours? They have decreased magically. It was another abnormality. Now a days he would sneak out for hours thinking that nobody noticed but had returned back home every single night. He was hooked to his laptop at odd hours. Once she had seen him closing a tab hurriedly when she had entered the room in a hurry. He seemed to be at guard, too fidgety around Arnav, to be just afraid of bashing. Was she imagining things up or had now started to notice things? or Was he guilty of something? 

She was sure of one thing. He was definitely hiding something. 

Anjali's instincts screamed that he needs to be investigated. If he comes clean, no one would be happier than her. She had the right to atleast inquire into things when everything was so muddled and most family members were against him. Its not like she passed a judgement on his character without a thought. She will plead her reasons and ask sorry if her doubts were illfounded. Also she wanted to end the unsaid coldness hostility between her husband and her family. 

But only one party can be right, not both? Only an unbiased investigation can help her to find the truth. It should be done secretly, she decided; so that no one gets to influence the investigation. Anjali also wanted to rest Garima's topic for once and all. What was the connection between Garima Aunty and her father. All the answers would be clear only after thorough investigation by professionals.

She took Aman into confidence, who after lots of pleadings from her,  agreed to keep it secret from Arnav. She knew Aman while dealing with all this, will eventually come to know about everything that had happened in their family. So she gave him a brief. Aman after realizing the sensitivity of the issue himself thought that it was better to keep Arnav, uninvolved till something very serious comes up. He hired Sumit Arora Investigations, one of the best detective agencies in the country. He warned Anjali of huge fees and long investigation time,  even two months in some cases. 

For lakhs to go undetected by Arnav,  Anjali had to pawn her jewellery through Aman. Aman registered that he was in direct line of fire, if Arnav ever came to know about all this. But he considered Anjali as his elder sister. After knowing about the fiasco, he knew the importance of discovering truth for sake of so many relations.He now knew why his boss was so temperamental these days. He cared for Raizadas and his Khushi Ma'am too who couldn't be a fake person.He had first hand seen the way she cares for Arnav. But when the man himself is hell bent on spoiling his life then who can help. He couldn't believe such a humble and nice man like Shyam Sir could be a creep. He didnt want to pass judgements on anyone.

Aman briefed Sumit and provided him everything agency required from their end. In a week itself,  Sumit's team unearthed odd disturbing things about Shyam which should have not gone unnoticed by Raizadas. They had lived with him for more than 4 years, for God's sake! By the end of second week, Anjali gave him permission to take Shyam under his illegal custody to get more things out of him. She had to again pay several lakhs for this. Sumit was of opinion that Shyam was not fit to roam free. Also for some technical things, they needed information from horse's mouth. She gave the same excuse that beloved damaadji came up with, every time. His case tours! No one knew about the digging that went up behind their backs, at times in their house itself. Anjali started to feel that Arnav was suspicious of her activities. Not ready to take any risk, she asked them not to contact her further and directly submit report in the end.

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