~Ch6: oH nO...~

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It was the first day of school.

I was so eager, I was ready and out the door before my alarm even rang, wearing a snug turtle neck under the mandatory uniform to hide the markings. When I reached the end of the street, I glanced back at the house.

My parents had been acting very odd since they found out about my U.A. recommendation. They were suddenly very kind and supporting; they gave me gift after gift and spent so much time with me...

But I knew it wasn't sincere, just an act. The moment I finally became important, they started caring.

As for S/N, she didn't change much. She remained her wonderful twisted, mocking self. The only difference is that she became jealous, envy radiating off of her small figure whenever she was around me. However, S/N's anger made her avoid my presence. Whenever we met in the corridors, in the kitchen, or anywhere else, she'd glare at me, crossing her arms, and storm out.

One might think such a change would be good, but honestly, I just felt empty. My whole life I'd hidden in the shadows. I'd learned to be silent and to obey. I'd lived in resignation. That's why the shift shocked me, and I felt lost, more than ever before.

On the bright side, this sudden care means S/N will keep her distance. So hopefully that means no more outbursts.

I shook my head, hefted my backpack, and turned the corner, not looking back at the building again.


When I arrived at the gate of U.A., Momo was there. As soon as she saw me, she waved. I jogged up to her.

"Thanks for waiting for me Momo!" I enveloped her in a hug. "I hope I didn't take too long..."

"Not at all! If anything you're super early, but so am I..." She giggled, hugging me back.

I giggled in return, and we started down the path that leads to the glistening school. 

The blue twin towers were linked by a glass bridge several stories high, and the surrounding gardens were filled with lush greenery, fruit-bearing cherry blossoms lining the sides of the pathway. The hallways inside were lined with big doors, each one labeled with the class's name in big bold letters.

"You're in class 1-A too, right?" I scanned all of the doors, searching for my class.

"Yeah. Didn't I tell you back when I received my recommendation letter?"

"Yeah, you did. I was just double-checking though."

She nodded. We turned a corner and froze. It was right there.

"Are you ready?"

I turned to Momo, who was beaming excitedly. I nodded, smiled, and opened the door, the door of dreams and opportunity.

As we entered, my gaze immediately locked on a lone desk in the back corner. I hurried to the desk and set my bag on it to claim it as my own before anyone else could.

Momo followed me, laughing. "Hogging the corner again, are we? Don't you want to try sitting anywhere new for once?"

I crossed my arms and huffed. "Look, this desk is alone in an isolated corner. It was practically made for me."

She sighed and plopped down in the only desk near mine. "Guess I'll be sitting in the back too then."

I pouted. "You know you don't have to sit back here with me."

"It's fine, I was planning on sitting in the back anyway." She shrugged. "Plus it's not like I know anyone else here."

I shrugged, relieved. "Suit yourself, but you better not turn out to be just doing this for me."

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