chapt 12- lies

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Ellie's POV
So I was voted most likely to drive a wheelbarrow but I now drive a Ferrari!!! She yells and everyone cheers for her

The 3 musketeers POV
So we were voted most likely to be play boys our whole lives and we're still play Boys!!! Everyone cheers for them

Khloe's POV
I was voted most likely to be a famous musician and yes I'm a musician

Rose's POV
So I was voted most likely to own a supermarket and yes I do. The crowd cheers

Kate's POV
So I was voted most likely to be a model and I am - the crowd cheers again

Talia's POV
I was voted most likely to be president and tooduloo I am
"That's our girl" the three musketeers shout from the back

Tony's POV
I was voted most likely to be a thief and yes I own a badass gang here in town.

"Tony! Tony! Tony!" The girls scream

Jenna's POV
I was voted most likely to be tall and just there

A sudden fart sound is heard from the back
"Who did that"??Sarah asked
"What Sherman, I told you to leave, fuck off" she says and he runs off once more

I was voted most likely to be fat but now I'm thin so screw you Lexi Fianna yells
"How did I get into this now" Lexi asks
"Shut up" the crowd retorts

Kezia's POV
"I was voted most likely to be short and yea that's right I'm now tall. High school sucks"
And the crowd cheers

I was voted most likely to be a famous fashion designer and yes I am
"That's awesome" Khloe yells

Tyler's POV
"I was voted most likely to be a famous painter and yea I am" Tyler says and the crowd cheers

Kyle's POV
I was voted most likely to be a famous writer and its cool. Life's cool, we're cool!! He says and everyone cheers

Alex's POV
I was voted most likely to be thin but I guess I'm fat so karma is a bitch!! She yells
"Your just as bitchy as karma" Lexi adds
"I am gonna shave your head if you speak again Lexi"; Alex yells. Unfortunately she doesn't know that that has already been done. However this frightens Lexi and she shuts up.

Scott's POV
Hey everyone. I was voted most likely to be a football player and yea I'm in training. Its hot. Scott says and the crowd cheers

Lexi's POV
Finally my turn. I was voted most likely to be an actress and have the best hair and yes, I do fulfill all those character traits perfectly" Lexi said
"No you don't"!! Sarah said
"I told you, no one voted for you for anything apart from 'most bitchiest' your just jealous" Sarah continues
"Jealous of what huh?? Of you being expelled from school you sicko"?? Lexi asks ( ok sicko is not the best I could come up with but this bitch Sarah is ruining ma vibe and I'm gonna expose her ass)

Hello readers. I wanna thank all those that have been reading and voting on this book up till now. I really appreciate. Please keep voting and commenting( please just positive comments thanks)    and please share this story. Please keep on reading. I love y'all
Thanks ❤❤❤❤👋👋


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