Chapter Fifty

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The city was still without power, but there was no telling for how much longer. There were no streetlights, no internet, and the communication lines were down as well. It was a complete blackout. This was the time when they needed to strike since The Shadow would be most vulnerable.

The Dark Circle group, now thirty plus members, approached a modest house in the suburbs. It was just outside of the city and hardly looked like a place one would expect the most powerful man in the world to reside. However, maintaining a low profile was part of what made him so powerful."

Maxim was no stranger to battle as he and his colleagues had fought in the war. However, Ronin was the true soldier and Maxim's right-hand man. Together, they coordinated the troops. Allie stood on the front lines as well, preparing to die for her cause. She subdued her rage and narrowed her focus as her fighter instinct had now kicked in. Whatever was on the other side of that door, she was ready for war. The squad pulled their night-vision goggles over their eyes and raised their weapons.

Using a series of hand gestures, the group silently manoeuvered around the house and got into position. When all areas were covered, Maxim nodded to his immediate squad and took one last moment to calm his nerves. He exhaled a deep breath and got prepared to take on an unknown threat. For all he knew, he could be leading his people into a deadly trap.

The eerie silence of the neighbourhood was broken by a loud crack as Ronin kicked the door open, breaking it off its frame. Then like a stream of marching ants, they funneled into the home and spread out covering every room. The house appeared to be vacant, leaving everyone thoroughly confused. The build-up and adrenaline dump caused them to be on edge.

Just then, the pitch black darkness lit up by flashes of gunfire. The sudden loudness made everyone jump. In the dizzying commotion of battle, the troops were trying to get a sense of what was happening. Most were in other rooms and immediately ran toward the action.

Allie was with Maxim as they were made their way upstairs. Just then, a bot exploded through a wall, grabbed Allie, and smashed through an adjacent wall.

"Allie!" Maxim yelled as he ran after her fearlessly.

Maxim followed the path of destruction and stepped through the large hole in the wall that had been created. A robot was on top of Allie and about to smash her face in. Without hesitation, Maxim raised his weapon and blasted the bot in the back of its head, causing it to collapse beside her. Allie was rattled and badly bruised, but didn't sustain any major damage.

"You okay?" Maxim asked.

"Yeah, thanks."

"Don't mention it. Come on," Maxim said, kicking the giant metal robot frame off Allie and helping her to her feet.

They continued to search the upper level of the house. They crept slowly down one of the halls, making their way to the master bedroom. Just then, another bot came out of some hiding spot and attacked Maxim. The bot ran toward Maxim, ripped the gun out of his hand, and swatted him across the room. Maxim crashed into a shelf and then fell to the floor. Allie hesitated for a second, but then got her head in the game. Raising her weapon, she took aim.

"I hate robots," she uttered before blasting the bot in the head. Sparks flew from the chest and the robot's glowing red eyes dimmed to black. Its heavy body collapsed onto the hardwood floor with a thud.

This time Allie helped Maxim to his feet. "You alright?" she asked.

Maxim winced in pain, but said he would walk it off. Just then, Allie saw something behind the bookshelf.

"Maxim, look," she whispered.

Maxim turned around and saw the shelf that he just destroyed. Amid the broken pieces of wood and piles of ornaments was a hole that seemed to be leading to a secret room.

There was no sense in trying to be discreet. Whoever occupied the residence knew by now that they were being invaded and there was a war happening in their house. Maxim listened for a moment and could hear a battle still taking place on the level below. He hoped there were no human casualties, but their mission was still in effect and needed to be carried out to completion at all costs.

Without hesitation, Maxim blasted a large hole in the shelf to get a better look inside. Using brute strength, he ripped the wood backing right off and forced his way inside. Stepping through the hole, Maxim led the way down the narrow hallway. Allie followed closely behind. Within ten feet, there was a sharp right angle as the hallway made a pivot. What lied beyond was unknown.

Once at the edge, they peered around the corner, guns drawn, and saw an innocent face staring back at them. The boy looked scared half to death. Maxim was a towering figure dressed head-to-toe in combat gear. It was also pitch black so the kid was taken by the surprise.

"Please don't shoot," the young voice pleaded.

Maxim approached with caution, expecting there to be another trap. With each step, he came a little closer to the boy.

"Who are you?" Maxim commanded in an authoritative tone.

"My name is Ben."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm being held captive by some very bad people. Are you here to save me?"

Maxim looked around the room and then back at the kid. Something just wasn't adding up. Maxim was a master interrogator and knew exactly how to extract the right information from someone. But most of his tactics involved intimidation or violence. With the boy, those techniques would likely make him withdraw and closed off.

"Ben," Maxim said. "My name is Maxim and this is Allie. We're not here to hurt you or get you in trouble, okay? We're just trying to understand what's happening."

"Please don't hurt me."

Maxim then turned to Allie and said, "Can you get Lauren please?"

A moment later, Allie returned with Lauren. Maxim whispered into Lauren's ear before she took over.

"Hey, what's your name?" Lauren asked.


"Ben what?"


"Ben Larson?"

"Uh-huh," the boy nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was being held against my will, please don't make me stay here with them."


"The bad men?"

"What do these bad men look like?"

"I don't know, they always wear masks."

"How long have you been held captive?"

"I don't know. Please, you have to help me."

Lauren pulled out a gun and held it at the kid's head. "The only way to help you is to paint this room with your blood."

Maxim and Allie didn't intervene. They had trust in Lauren's abilities to read people.

"I'm going to ask you again," Lauren spoke firmly. "Tell us who you really are, and if you lie to us one more time, I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your head."

"Okay okay," the boy said, shifting his tone. My name is Ben... Ben Naslund."

"Naslund?" Maxim repeated. "As in Arthur Naslund?"

"Yes... he's my father."


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