Chapter 15 - The Cheater

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Sunday, October 21st

     Calix: Can we talk today?

It was a simple request. No room left for imagination. No time to overthink the situation and come up with the things Jesse wanted to say.

Jesse bit his lip, staring at the simple text he had received about an hour ago. Why was it so hard for him to face Calix? They'd had arguments before. They never remained angry for long. Why would it be different this time? Calix was probably going to apologize, Jesse would forgive him because that's just what he always did, they'd share a laugh, and forget all about it.

So why was he hesitant about meeting Calix that very same day? He didn't need much time to come up with the things he wanted to tell Calix—which was nothing. He knew he wanted Calix to stop interfering with his life, and his decisions, and his relationship with Yoni—even if it was technically a fake relationship.

Was it because he was still on cloud nine, after Loek had kissed him repeatedly throughout the night but was still the gentleman that kissed him goodnight and went to sleep on the couch instead of diving in the same bed as Jesse?

Couldn't say he wasn't a bit disappointed, but he knew it had been the right decision not to sleep with Loek. The kissing part was already complicating things more than enough.

He didn't need to be scared that Calix would notice him still glowing from the kisses. He could always tell Calix it was because of Yoni.

He had no reason not to talk to Calix, and eventually he replied to him with a deep sigh.

Jesse: sure, where

Jesse put the phone in his pocket, grabbed a hoodie and left the bedroom to get some breakfast, even if it was well after noon. He found Mees on the couch, with his laptop, while calling at the same time.

Loek was in the kitchen, filling up the dishwasher while whistling a song that sounded familiar.

"You're happy," he stated, heading over to the fridge to grab yoghurt.

"Well of course I am," Loek replied happily, turning around to look at him while leaning against the counter. "Why wouldn't I? We kissed."

"Is that something to be happy about?" Jesse frowned. Yes, he felt good, and kissing Loek made him happy, but not happy enough to whistle a song while doing the dishes. Or not to have a bad mood in the morning—afternoon.

"Yes," Loek whispered as he stood behind Jesse, watching him put cereals in a bowl, filling it up with yoghurt. "And if Mees hadn't been home..." Loek whispered into his ear without finishing his sentence.

"Aren't you old and wise enough to make such decisions without caring about your brother's opinion?" Jesse tried not to smile, but Loek kissed his neck, and that did things to him.

Loek suddenly stepped away, and Jesse's frown increased because of it.

"I just don't want him to hear us," Loek stated, continuing with the dishes. This time it was Jesse who was observing him while leaning against the counter.

He munched down a bite of cereals while he thought about Loek's words. Something told Jesse that he was lying, that Mees possibly hearing them wasn't the reason they didn't sleep together.

There was something about Mees' warning not to hurt Loek, and the way Loek acted in that very moment, that told Jesse this was a bit more complicated than he thought before. It wasn't just a big brother protecting his younger brother because they were brothers. No, there was more to it.

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