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Tate and most of the other male wolves were gone. Why? Because they were out resetting the positions the warrior wolves were to be put in.

With them all gone I was in complete and utter boredom. However I went on my search to find Colin as he was the only one who decided to stay back.

Just as I was about to pass the kitchen, I heard more than just Colin's voice. I went to walk in and only took one step in when I froze.

There stood the hunter. But this time he held a gun. Again that was pointed at Colin.

Colin stood there with his hands up in mock surrender. One hand up in the air, and the other holding his glass of alcohol.

"Oh, common Herald," Colin sighed in an impatient tone. He then tilt his head and furrowed his eyebrows, "-Herald was is? Or was it Howard?...Harry?"

"Henry," the hunter gritted and I tried my best to not make a sound.

What do I do? Walk in? Scream? Laugh?

"Right. Henry. You came here to kill me?" Colin asked in amusement and the Elemental hunter stayed silent. However Colin sighed and kept speaking.

"But seriously? A gun? I don't want to die such a cliche death," Colin muttered to himself.

"I see we have company." Was all the hunter said.

I stopped breathing. My eyes adverted to Colin who clenched his jaw. He knew I was there from the beginning and hoped the hunter hadn't noticed.

Why isn't he using his powers?

"Looks like I can kill all you Elementals at once," the hunter said with a grin and I narrowed my eyes at him as I fully walked into the room.

I quickly lifted my hand up to release water towards the hunter but nothing happened. I frowned and tried again.

"What the..." I trailed off in question as I looked at Colin in alarm.

"Herald over here released a toxic in the air. It paralyzes our abilities," Colin said calmly.

I took in a sharp intake of breath. I read about this toxic. It doesn't wear off for a couple of hours. Closing my eyes I willed myself to shift.

That didn't work either.

"All our abilities," Colin said with a tight smile as his eyes didn't leave the hunters.

The hunter must've grew restless to our talking because with a grunt he pulled the guns safety trigger and I froze holding my breath yet again.

I sent Colin a look. We both knew this wasn't going to end well and I gave him a look that I wasn't sure he understood.

However he sent me a nod of understanding.

I looked back at the man who raised his gun and slowly aimed it at me.

My eyes flickered back to Colin. I was unsure of what to do. Any sudden movement could make the man pulled the trigger.

Colin must've seen the terror in my eyes because his face hardened and his gaze drifted off to the man and he sent him a glare as a low growl rumbled in his throat.

The man seemed more alert and without waiting another second he clutched onto the gun tighter and pressed the trigger.

It was like in the movies.

Everything happened in slow motion.

The bullet flew towards me and my heart skipped a beat. However in just half a second Colin was in front of me and clutching my arm, he pulled me behind him.

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