The Mall ~ chapter 26

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(a/n:  Nani!! what is this? a second chapter a day!!? 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜)

Saiki's P.o.v


"Hm?" I hummed waiting for her to say what she wanted to say

She looked up from the ground and looked me in the eyes

"Thank you" She gave me a closed eye smile which my heart skipped a beat because of that

She opened her eyes again still having that bright smile "Thank you for saving me from those delinquents" She closed her eyes again making my heart skip a beat again

"But I didn't do anything" I say playing dumb

She shook her head "No, you said those things i couldn't say and i don't know why but i feel like you even did the whole floating thingy" She giggled making my cheeks heat up

'God damnit why do I feel this way! I really need to find out!'

She squeezed my hand and I felt my arm going forward

"Come on! We still need to go to the mall" She giggled again as she tugged at my hand to make me come along with her which I did

'I feel so safe when i hold his hand'

Her thought made my cheeks heat up even more as I looked away from her, I didn't know why I was looking away

"Kusuo! look the mall!" She exclaimed as she tugged on my arm again and made me go running with her

'Why is she running?'

But when i looked at her she held a smile that made my heart melt but why, i don't know

I didn't look away from her smile it was just..

So adoreble and beautifull

It made me even smile unconciously

We entered the mall it wasn't that big but not that small either

"Come on! Look there is a sale at a clothing store lets go!" She tugged my arm again as she pulled me further 

We entered a clothing store and i saw her eyes twinkle with excitement when she layed eyes on the woman section and walked over to it. When (y/n) saw a shirt she thought was cute she let go of my hand, i felt sad and disapointed i wanted to feel her soft hand much longer, i wanted to hold onto it forever.

"Omg! This shirt is so adoreble! Look at it Kusuo!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she showed me the shirt

"Omg! This shirt is so adoreble! Look at it Kusuo!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she showed me the shirt

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