chapter forty-three

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I stand on my tip toes, hovering behind Jungkook. "Can you see our grade yet?"

"There's too many people in the way."

I squint my eyes trying to maneuver around the crowd of people surrounding the paper that's been posted on the wall. The groups have been listed in one column, and a grade is next to the names in the other column.

People have walked away with looks of either complete and utter defeat, or with wide smiles on their faces.

I bite my lip, nervous as we get closer to the paper. "People need to just hurry up and look at their grade and leave. It's one number, it shouldn't take that long to read."

Jungkook scoffs, "Honestly."

He squints his eyes, leaning forward. Then he gasps. "No way!"

My heart drops, and I suddenly feel like Professor Choi probably gave us a failing grade, considering how 'kind' she is.

Jungkook turns to me, and besides looking upset, he has a bright smile on his face. "We're the smartest freaking pair in this entire school-we got a 100!"

Relief rushes through me, Jungkook breathing a sigh of satisfaction. We walk away from the crowd, and he lifts his hand up to give me a high-five. "You're lucky you got paired with me. I'm such a pro at photography."

I snort, "You're so cocky."

"Hmm, am I?" he chuckles, "Well, I'm in the mood for some ramen. I say we get some to celebrate in honor of our grade and because summer break is here."

"Is that even a question? Ramen is a meal that should be eaten every day."

He looks at me, an eyebrow raised, "Uhhh." I laugh, already knowing what his response is gonna be. "Ramen isn't exactly the best thing to be consuming on a daily basis."

"Oh, but banana milk is?"

"Shut up," he giggles, "Banana milk is amazing."

We continue walking whenever I feel a tap on my shoulder, startling me. I turn around and see a face that I wasn't expecting. "Taera?"

She shifts uncomfortably, her usual smirk now in the shape of a frown. "Hey, um, I've been needing to talk to you guys."

Jungkook and I glance at each other before looking back at her. "I promise I won't do anything stupid," she says, her tone completely serious without a hint of mischief.

I feel Jungkook's gaze on me again, and I can tell that he wants me to say something to her. I nod, "Sure."

"Can we go somewhere with less people around? Over there maybe?" she asks, gesturing towards an area with some benches further from the students.

"Yeah, that's fine," I say, nodding again.

Without saying anything, she starts walking ahead of us, leading us there. Jungkook and I glance at each other again, and I can tell that he's just as confused as me. We keep walking on until we approach a bench. Taera looks at us, tilting her head towards the bench, "Have a seat."

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