The Revelatory Field Trip

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A/N: The timeline doesn't really fit for this, but who cares? This is just a fun little field trip fic. In this story, Peter is 18 and his classmates are all around 16 (all will be explained). Wade will be twenty in this, but he won't come in for a while, and sorry to disappoint, but there won't be very much spideypool action and even less stuckony, they're just kind of there. Warning: There will be a tiny bit of swearing, but not much. 

For once in his life, Peter was not looking forward to a field trip. Out of all places, Midtown High's brightest were being taken on an overnight field trip to his home: Stark Tower.

After the Avengers were relocated to the Avengers Compound, Tony Stark had decided that he missed his tower. So, though the compound was still the main base for the Avengers, Tony decided to completely remodel Stark Tower. The tower was now a second home for the Avengers and home base for many of the labs and offices of Stark Industries.

As soon as Peter learned the location of the field trip, he felt a sense of dread. This would not go well. Even Oscorp couldn't be worse than this. For one, his family would most likely embarrass him. Two, they'd make a scene and kill Flash Thompson if they learned about the bullying. Three, Peter's secrets would be in jeopardy.

Not only did Peter have to worry about being exposed as Spider-Man, but also as the son of three of the Avengers (four if you counted Natasha, who was legally his godmother, but acted like an actual mom). Unknown to the world, Peter Parker Barnes Stark-Rogers had lived with the Avengers all his life, raised by his dads: Tony, Bucky, and Steve Barnes Stark-Rogers.

The polyamorous trio were very secretive about their personal life, for Steve and Bucky's sake. They were married for five years before the press even caught wind of their relationship. Even though Barnes Stark-Rogers was their legal last name, the three still publicly went by their own surnames.

Everyone knew the three were together now, but only the Avengers and employees of Stark Industries knew that they had a son. Everyone that knew of Peter's parentage was sworn to secrecy about it, not that anyone would expose him anyway.

Everyone that knew Peter Barnes Stark-Rogers loved him. The boy was a genius, having started helping Tony Stark and his employees in their labs when he was only six years old. The cheerful kid had endeared himself to everyone, earning the nickname "Mini-Stark" (MS for short) when he was little for always following his dad around.

Now, at sixteen, Peter was still a well-kept secret. With this field trip, however, all of that might change, and when Mr. Harrington first announced the field trip, Flash was quick to note his dismay.

"What's wrong, Penis? You scared your fake 'Stark Internship' will finally expose you as the little liar you are?"

Peter just rolled his eyes and ignored the bully, not that it stopped him from taunting Peter all week, up until the trip.

About six months ago, Peter finally confessed who his real parents were to Ned and MJ. Ever since, they'd been hanging around the tower and therefore knew to expect nothing good on this trip as well. In fact, they were interning for Stark Industries now too.

To make matters worse, a big Avengers meeting was coming up in New York City, so every single Avenger would be at the tower. He just hoped his family wouldn't be too embarrassing.

Knowing he couldn't hide it from his family, Peter begrudgingly told them about the trip. All of them laughed at his luck, except for Steve and Natasha.

Steve smiled sympathetically, while Natasha grinned slyly. "You know, Peter, this doesn't have to be a bad thing. We could have a little fun with this."

A Revelatory Field Trip w/ Peter Barnes Stark-RogersWhere stories live. Discover now