Aomine, Kuroko no Basket.

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Aomine may have been lazy in life, but in bed the ace was anything but.

He loved watched you writhe and wriggle as he teased you, he loved making you hold your orgasms until the last second, and having you explode over his tongue.

He was good at what he did, but he was even better pleasuring his lover.

"Aah Aomine..." you moan softly as your overly excited boyfriend presses two fingers against your core.
Aomine humms and he presses harder, begging for a reaction out of his oh so cute girlfriend.

He began gentle rubbing your clit, wrapping his other arm around you from behind to get a grip on your breast.

2 fingers slipped into your hole, another quickly following. He quickly pumped his fingers in, a harsh pace he could keep up with due to relentless basketball practice.
To anyone else this was a foreplay, something to get the mood started. But to Aomine and you, this was a necessity. Aomine was 6'4, and you a mere 5'3. His girth had always been a problem for your tiny yet curvy figure.

His fingers stretched and toyed with you, quickening as he felt your release come.

"Aomine, fuck." You moaned loudly as you came over his fingers, sticky liquid dripping down onto his sheets.

"You're about to." He murmured into your neck as he pulled your legs apart, thrusting his lengthy cock into your hole.

You gripped his shoulder between your teeth as he pounded into you, your moans egging him on harder.

He never stopped, holding his unforgiving pace as he pleasured you and abused you like his own little pet.

"Aomine!" You mewled as he hit the spot inside you, instantly clenching around him, as you cum for the second time.

It wasn't seconds before your reaction enticed Aomine's release, his seed spilling inside and dripping down your thighs.

He hid his face in your breasts as he fell down on-top of you, murmuring a sweet i love you into the hot air.

"I love you too." You reply contently.

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