Try Again Next Time

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"Are you sure your eyes are closed?"

A light chuckle echoed through the empty corridor followed by a quiet, "Yes."

"And you promise you aren't reading my mind?"

The girl groaned, stopping in place bringing her companion to a halt as their hands were attached.

"Yes, Cedric. I promise I won't read your mind," she grinned out, eyes still closed, at where she guessed the boy was standing.

The older boy resumed their journey, dragging Iris along behind to whatever the 'secret destination' was inside the castle.

Iris had been just finishing up dinner with Harry when Cedric had approached the Gryffindor table where they were sitting. He asked if he could borrow Iris for the night and got a nasty glare from Harry for it. She had kicked her brother in the shin before smiling and taking Cedric's outstretched hand.

Now they were wandering around the castle practically in the dark to get to wherever Cedric was taking her.

"Y'know, when I agreed to go on a date with you I kinda thought I would actually be able to see you," Iris laughed.

Cedric joined in on her laughter, "We're almost there," he said moments before stopping in place.

Iris has no clue where they were or why they had stopped, but when Cedric took her other hand and slowly guided her into a bright room she realized they must have reached their destination.

It smelled heavenly in the room, and the sound of dishes and metal clanging together led her to only one guess of where they were. Her guess was confirmed when Cedric told her to open her eyes.

"The kitchen," she said, dumbfounded, "How in the world did you get into the kitchen?"

He winked at her with a smile as he led her over to a counter with a few stools scattered along underneath it, "It's a secret."

As soon as they had sat down a house elf ran up to them with a plate of little desserts including miniature pies and chocolate truffles.

"Tinky has brought the food you requested sir. If the Diggory boy needs anything else, Tinky would be delighted to help the kind sir," said the sweet house elf.

Cedric grinned down at the elf, "Thank you, Tinky. We should be good for now."

The house elf quickly ran away back into the depths of the kitchen leaving the two alone.

Iris popped a truffle into her mouth and almost sighed at the mouthwatering taste.

"Oh my god, this has to be one of the greatest things I've ever eaten," Iris mumbled out through the food in her mouth.

She noticed Cedric watching her adoringly with a small smile on his face.

"What?" She asked him, swallowing, wondering why he was looking at her like that.

The smile on his face grew, "Nothing... it's just, I don't know how you manage to make everything look perfect, even shoving your face with food."

Iris choked out a laugh, a blush rising on her cheeks, "Stop that."

"Stop what?" Cedric laughed.

"Stop complimenting me, it's making me uncomfortable."

Cedric mockingly put his hands up in a position of surrender, "Alright then, I promise I will never again compliment you."

Iris playfully rolled her eyes as she chuckled, wacking him softly on the shoulder.

"Is this how you flirt with all the girls?" Iris asked him jokingly.

He pretended to think for a second, "No, only the weird ones."

Iris gasped playfully, hopping off her stool and going to walk away towards the door when his hand softly grasped her wrist and pulled her back, sending her stumbling right into his chest.

They were both standing closely now, their intertwined hands being the only thing separating them.

"So I'm weird then, is that it?" Iris mumbled out softly, her hazel eyes looking into his bright grey ones.

She tried to keep her focus from drifting down to what was just in front of her, but it seemed difficult for both of them as they slowly grew closer, heads leaning in. They were centimeters apart and Iris' eyes fluttered closed, waiting —

"Are Mister Diggory and his friend happy with the food Tinky brought them?"

Both students jumped, stepping away from each other with pink-tinged cheeks.

"Oh u-uh, yes Tinky. It was fantastic," Cedric stuttered out.

Iris' hand was loosely covering her mouth as she held back a giggle. She started on her way to the door to leave the kitchen, as it was getting late, and as she passed Cedric the curly-haired girl winked at him and patted him on the shoulder grinning,

"Try again next time."

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Mwahaha. I feel so evil, oopsies. Guys, this story is almost at 10K reads! Um whaat?! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING ❤️❤️ Also, THIS HAPPENED:

 Guys, this story is almost at 10K reads! Um whaat?! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING ❤️❤️ Also, THIS HAPPENED:

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Love you all so so so much


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