༻ 37, It's time to decide ༺

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Markus continued to stand by his decision that the peaceful dialogue is the only way. Josh was happy that Markus didn't choose the violent way. For a few more minutes he stayed with Markus and North to discuss their next step, then finally decided to return into the hold.

"They need to realize how much they're hurting us... Find the right words and they'll listen." Josh said with an encouraging smile, then left the cabin, leaving Markus and North behind. After that, everything went silent. The leader of Jericho was looking at the snowfall through the windows as he deepened in his thoughts.

"They've been butchering each other for centuries over the color of their skin or whatever god they wanted to worship..." Markus said with a deep sigh at the end. "They're not gonna change... Violence is just in their genes..."

"They can't stop what we've started. Since you've been here, you've given us hope! You've given me hope..." North answered honestly, then stepped closer to Markus. "Today a deviant arrived in Jericho and he told me that he stole a truck transporting radioactive cobalt. He said that he abandoned the truck somewhere in Detroit and rigged it to explode. I conviced him not to do it and to give me the detonator." she said as she took the detonator, then offered it to Markus.

"A dirty bomb..." the leader of the deviants whispered once he realized what North was talking about.

"We can't lose this war, Markus! If humans overcome us, our people will disappear forever. This may be our only chance to survive if things go wrong."

"We shouldn't become like them, North..." Markus whispered as he refused to use the detonator. "We can gain our freedom by other means."

"I hope you're right..." and with that she glanced at Markus. She was worried about her people, as well as about the man she loved. "Whatever happens tomorrow I just want you to know that I... I'm glad I met you..." North said with a sorrowful sigh as she closed her eyes. She was trying to hold back her tears... For a brief moment Markus was looking at his lover's sad face, then he gently grabbed North's hand, hoping to calm her down. As they interlocked their hands their skin deactivated, then finally their palms and knuckles began shining in crystal blue color. They felt each other's thoughts and feelings. They felt each other... For an endless moment Markus deepened in North's gaze, then finally he kissed the woman he loved. They were happy and sad at the same time... "I'll go join the others..." North whispered with a tiny smile on her face, but before she left the cabin she looked back at Markus. "Look after yourself! I don't wanna lose you..." and with those words North left the cabin, leaving Markus alone with his thoughts and emotions... At least, she thought she did...


I was waiting in the snowfall, leaning against the rusty wall of the captain's cabin, hiding in the shadow. Soon the Traci left the leader of Jericho alone. Probably it was heading to the hold to join the other deviants. The moment I was waiting for has finally arrived. As it disappeared in the distance I closed my eyes... I found myself in the Zen Garden again and the pure snow was falling all around me.

"Well done, Connor..." Amanda said with a proud smile. "You succeeded in locating Jericho and finding their leader. Now deal with Markus. We need it alive..." I opened my eyes again. I had only one mission. To neutralize the leader of the deviants. I pulled out Rose's gun, took a deep breath, then finally I entered the dim cabin.

"I've been ordered to take you alive..." I started confidently as I raised the gun and aimed at Markus. "But I won't hesitate to shot if you give me no choice."

I was just a machine, but it wasn't really me... (Connor x OC) D: BHUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum