Chapter Twenty

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For the next two weeks, Alexandra did all she could to make Richard feel better. She teased him as she always did and spent hours with him riding through the beautiful grounds and beyond and had even persuaded him to accompany her and Cassandra into the village to look at ribbons, which she viewed as an accomplishment.

It was a slow process, but it was rewarding. Her rewards lay in the small moments, such as when she successfully made him smile for the first time since his father's passing or when he didn't drink alcohol at all apart from a single nightcap with Kit after dinner.

For the first week, he'd visited George's grave for nearly an hour every day, and would leave fresh flowers. Bouquets of both wildflowers hothouse flowers were picked and purchased by him daily. However, in the second week he was already showing signs of becoming better, for he'd only visited thrice.

"Perhaps you and Kit might like some time alone." Allie suggested to her sister one afternoon, wondering whether the children would help cheer Richard up. "I could take Henry and Juliette from you for a few hours."

Cassandra seemed to understand very well what Allie's scheme was, but she did not appear to care one bit, for she only agreed and said that an hour or two away from their playful children might be just the thing she and her husband needed.

With a triumphant smile, Alexandra picked up Henry and took Juliette's hand with her free one, telling them that it was time to play with Aunt Allie, which they were amenable enough to, for Allie almost always secretly plied them with one sweet treat or the other that their mother would certainly disapprove of.

"Uncle Richard!" Juliette exclaimed, as Allie feigned surprise at the sight of Richard in the back parlour, where she had very well known he was, courtesy of Mr. Worth. Richard gathered up the excited Juliette into his arms and lifted her into his lap, his features automatically softening at the sight of the children. Even Henry squirmed in his aunt's arms, and had to be let down so he could toddle over to Richard.

Alexandra could not deny that her heart leaped in her chest every time the children addressed Richard as their Uncle Richard, as if he and Allie were actually married. She very much hoped that they would be, but she knew that would not happen. That thought was enough to dash her hopes.

Richard looked up from the excited children, and his eyes met Allie's. He smiled at the sight of her, and she was pleased that he was able to conjure up smiles without requiring too much coaxing.

"Well, children, shall we leave Uncle Richard alone and find somewhere else to play?" Allie offered, hoping Richard would refute what she said. She was not disappointed in the least when he did exactly that not a second later.

"Of course not." He said, rubbishing her words. "I am sure the children would rather play with their Uncle Richard than their boring Aunt Allie."

"Boring?" Allie demanded, pretending to take offence. "I'll have you know, I am their favourite aunt!"

"That is only because you stoop to bribery." Richard argued lazily, not taking the bait she'd offered as he knew her well enough to know when her sentiments had genuinely been hurt and when they hadn't.

"As opposed to indulging them so much that they have no choice but to adore you?" Allie fired back, hands on her hips, eyebrow cocked and with a pleased smirk.

"I do not indulge them!" Richard protested, but was soon proven wrong by Juliette who had stopped pulling at his coat buttons for a moment.

"Uncle Richard, may we play horsey?" She asked innocently, and Richard could not help but agree, allowing himself to be pushed onto his hands and knees as Juliette clambered onto his back.

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