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Oh how right you were, weeks'd passed and you and that indigo-nette spent more time with each other than you could imagine. Somehow, you were quite comfortable with him, almost on the level with Izuku but still not quite on that level yet.

"I'm starting to think that you're using Kuro to just see me everyday," you dryly humored, petting the cat's soft fur, and as you did, it elicited a reaction of him purring.

"We just happened to pass by you know, so don't think so highly of yourself," he grumbled. His words sounded like he was telling the truth, yet you knew better. His cheeks reddened up a bit as he tried to avert his gaze somewhere, almost as if he was ashamed that you'd spoken up a fact.

Humming, you returned to your standing position after crouching, done playing with the cat. You fished out your phone before passing it to him, "You could've just said that you wanted to be my friend."

"I..." He wasn't able to say anything else. He subconsciously took the gadget from your hands before entering his numberㅡ  'Were you a mind reader or something?', he thought to himself whilst wondering if that was your before returning the small piece of machinery back to its owner.

"I must be going now, Shinsou. See ya tomorrow," you bid farewell as you went towards the street, your silhouette no longer seen by his range of vision. He shook his head before sighing. He picked his cat up before playing with its ear, a small smile on his face.

"I have a friend now, Kuro..." He spoke in a soft tone, eyes gazing fondly at the area where your feet stood atop of just moments ago.


You winced at the loudness of the crash, or explosion was it, from a place not that far from you. Even though not knowing why, your feet walked... slowly progressing into running as you hurried your pace, wanting to immediately go to where the sound came from.

'What the hell am I doing?,' you thought, yet it was only pushed back once you saw who the instigator was when you arrived at the scene where it had all transpired. A huge monstrosity that was seemingly made of a viscous liquid, and your only eyes widened once you saw something inside itㅡ rather, someone.

"Bakugou?!" You shrieked, yet it seemed that he could not hear you at all.

Your eyes darted over a boy with green hair, running recklessly towards the villain, not paying any heed to the voices that wanted him to stop.

Your heartbeat quickened once you realized who it was.

You ran, following him, not wanting Midoriya to be injured while doing such a selfless act, "Midoriya! Bet!" You shouted, and his eyes turned towards you, his actions slowing as his mind raced over towards what was currently happening. Why couldn't he go faster; why was he slowing down?!

"I apologize for using my quirk on you, but the situation calls for it," you stated with urgency, as you finally caught up to him, "Please go back Y/n, you could get hurt!" He pleaded, relieved that the pace of his speaking didn't slow down.

"You could say that to yourself," you rebutted as you focused on the green sludge in front of you. It turned towards you, cackling as he saw the two of you.

"Two small wimps aren't beating me," it condescendingly proclaimed, and you could just imagine it smirking as it thought that the both of you were nothing more than quirkless dunces.

"Bet," you mumbled, yet instead of slowing down like it did to Midoriya, it stopped. "Aleph," and you found yourself faster than before. Wow, you were standing right in front of it. 

"What the hell are you doing here, woman?!" Bakugou growled. If only this situation was lighter, you'd laugh. Even as he was endangered, he still found the time to let himself be encapsulated by the emotion that constantly lingered around him.

"Getting you out of this thing," you grunted as you as you attempted to pull him out, yet the grasps of the liquid on him was far too strong. 'If only a buff hero is to arrive,' you gritted your teeth as you relentlessly kept on pulling him.

"Dalet," you uttered as your gaze wandered over to Izuku who was still finding it hard to move. Yet his eyes widened once he found himself walking backwards and back to his original position, the place where he stood before running towards this... hideous thing.

Your eyes enlargened in size once you saw something green ready to whip you out. "Bet!" You shouted, and its actions were now far more constricted. 'How did it escape from my quirk?!' Numerous queries now erupted while never ceasing the action of tugging at the blondie who was always filled with rage.

Wind picked up harshly, and you dug your feet on the ground, not wanting to be caught up with it. A smile crawled to your lips as you saw the figure who had stopped the slowed sludge from reaching you.

"All Might..."

"I'm sorry young Y/n for not arriving sooner," he nodded at you in acknowledgement, readying himself for his now upcoming attack, not wanting to waste time.

"Detroit Smash!" He pulled his fist back warss before lunging it at the villain, yet before he did, he swiftly took you and pulled Bakugou out of the sludge, stopping you both from receiving his attack.

You closed your eyes at the impact of the wind. You opened them and you saw the people standing there in awe and cheering for him. You two were impressed as you saw clouds forming just from his attack.

"Fucking..." You heard a voice say, yet you immediately caught the now unconscious Bakugou, preventing him from hurting himself from falling to the cold, hard ground.

"I..." Your eyes mimicked the size of china plates once you recognized the voice. Gasps were now heard and All Might, who had his back turned, was shocked that the villain was somehow still alive. "W-what..." One of the crowd said, frightened as everyone else was. 

"I-It's still alive?" You perceived another one say. You gulped as you readied your quirk for you were almost out of stamina from using it too much a while ago.

The green goo formed again, its eyes, now filled with bloodlust as only one thought erupted from its mind.

"I'm gonna kill you All Might!" It shouted, enraged.

Yet before he was able to do so, your voice came in next from the barrage of shouting.

"Gimmel!" And after that, gasps were heard once they saw the villain, no longer moving, the green goo now splashed all over the floor.

You chuckled once you saw that your attack worked before you, yourself, found your eyes closing in exhaustion.

"Every living and non-living thing ages..." You mumbled how your own quirk worked against the green monstrosity.

And after that,

your consciousness started to betray you

"Y/n!" Midoriya hollered, now out of his trance from watching everything unravel as he tried to catch your falling form, along with Bakugou's.


So, for those who're confused, your attacks're mostly based on Kurumi Tokisaki, hence the use of hebraic words. Yet instead of a gun, all you need is to focus on the target and after that, uttering the attack, and ta-dah.

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