Chapter Two | Hot Stuff

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Chapter Two:

I stalked out of US Government furiously, thanking the universe the school day was over, because I was going to punch something if I had to stay in the same vicinity as Trent Blake for even a minute longer.

My day, that had started out terribly by waking up late looking like hell, was made even worse because of him. After the teacher assigned us as partners for the project, we spent the rest of class "planning" with our partners. Trent chose to spend this entire time doing absolutely nothing with his feet propped on the desk, flicking little balls of paper at me when I wasn't looking. It's safe to say I was thoroughly pissed off.

Lauren was waiting at the front steps of the school and started walking with me towards her car when she saw me.

"What's up with you?" she asked, getting out her car keys and swinging them around on her finger.

I glared straight ahead, considering whether or not I should tell her how much I despise her brother.

She stared at me silently as we walked, until I finally groaned in surrender. "It's your stupid, obnoxious asshole of a brother! I got him assigned as my partner for our Government project and it's going to be absolute hell!"

She hummed in acknowledgment to my complaint, her poker face fully intact so I had no idea if she was on my side or not. We opened the doors to her car in-synch and slid inside, and I decided I wasn't quite done venting about it. "Did you know he also pretended to not even know who I am? Like I'm not over at your house all the time? He may not be around much, but I know he's met me before! I can't work with him if he's gonna act like that."

I heard a small choking sound, and saw that she was struggling to hold in laughter. When I looked over at her with the most venomous glare possible she lost it, laughing all the way until we were driving out of the parking lot.

I slumped into the passenger seat, huffing in annoyance. I stared out the window at the passing cars until her laughter finally died down and she sighed.

"It's not that big of a deal Audrey, and hey, remember when I hated Tyler and then he had to live with me? I was pretty pissed when that happened. But then, I realized I loved that idiot, maybe it'll be like that for you and Trent," she finished her speech with a wink in my direction.

I made a face, "Lauren are you seriously insane? I could probably never even learn to like Trent, let alone love him."

She laughed, shaking her head. "Whatever you say..I think it'd be cute, though."

I smacked her lightly on the arm, causing her to laugh as she pulled into my driveway. Her phone started ringing and her laughter soon morphed into a dreamy sigh as she answered and said, "Hey babe."

She started giggling at whatever Tyler was saying and I rolled my eyes, feeling slightly bitter. "Ugh, leaving now," I muttered.

She looked over and nodded, only half paying attention as I slipped out of her car and slammed the door.

I slumped into the kitchen for a snack, trying to appear cheerful when I saw my mom was home early.

"Hi honey, how was your day?" she asked cheerfully.

My mom was always bubbly and cheerful. Not only did she always have a big smile on her face, but her flame of red hair and bright green eyes captivated the attention of everyone she met.

Normally her cheerful attitude made me happy, but today I was just annoyed. "Just peachy," I mumbled, walking around her and grabbing a bag of chips off the counter. I wondered how her eyes weren't watering like crazy from the huge onion she was dicing up.

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